new EXP rank

Discussion in 'Help' started by TãñK™, Aug 2, 2014.

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  1. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    you came out with this new exp rank for us players that got ep taken from us but how do you move up in the rank or do you?
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The information that I have is that the old ranking system will work as it did before, and that nothing in this will change with how it works.

    The EXP that was taken will be put into a new ranking which can be found if you follow, Tavern>Hall of Fame> Most wanted-. Depending on which ranking you managed to get in, will decide what special - one time badge; you shall recieve.

    For more information on this, Please click >>Here<<

    Edited to include an updated answer.

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