New PvE Server

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by TreasureHunter, Jun 26, 2023.

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  1. TreasureHunter

    TreasureHunter Forum Greenhorn

    Isn't it an idea to open a new PVE. So that there is some 'competition' again and activity in going up levels. The server has become extremely boring when you are 50.
    Barry likes this.
  2. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    just start a new boat in one of the other servers
  3. TreasureHunter

    TreasureHunter Forum Greenhorn

    At the beginning of a server, very nice packages always arrive, which people are now missing out on. Which saves a lot of money. I've already thought about starting over

    + They can work from the beginning with their scar system for the ch3aters, then there is a fairly even start from the start.
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