New Ship View (Decks)

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    New Ship View (Decks)

    Ahoy Pirates

    As most of you have already noticed, the ship view on the open beta has changed. You don’t see the gold and pearl decks anymore. Now you only see the amount of slots you have.

    Some of the players are saying that it’s a good change, others are saying that it’s not. Some want to keep this new view, others don’t want to (because they feel it makes PVP more exciting because you don’t know the strength of your enemy anymore).

    Anyway, we need a decision. Please click here to post your vote.

    Your Seafight Team.
    abubadi66, LadyBlueRose and ELS101 like this.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Thank you all for your votes and general feedback. We appreciate that many of you don’t want the view to change, however with the introduction of Milestone 5 of the Transmogrification System (planned to go live tomorrow) we will no longer have Decks as they have been before, which is why we need to make a change to the way it's displayed in the game.

    For the first iteration, we will introduce version 3 which was the version most voted for by the community as a whole. However, in a month or so (currently planned for the middle – end March) we will introduce version 4:


    As you can see from the image, you will see the finer details about your decks on your own ship (which you will be able to turn on / off if you want), but you will not see this information from your opponents.

    Your Seafight team
    LadyBlueRose and -Ρŕįєşť- like this.
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