new skill tree confusion

Discussion in 'Help' started by bodean, Oct 17, 2018.

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  1. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    can someone help explain these new skill trees in simple terms for me? i read all i could about them, and my one question is-when i reach 100% in a certain skill then how do i enter the bonus map for 30 seconds or whatever. sorry about the dumb question,but i am really confused about this change to the game. ty in advance for any help explaining this to me. i tried to figure it out on my own, but i'm still confused.
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    In summary:
    - There are three skill sheets (Damage, Defense, Economy)
    - Each Sheet has three Master Skills that you select one to be charged (if you change your selection then the charging starts over).
    - Each Sheet has a set of Skills that you assign Skill Points to. In addition to adding that skill each of these increases the percentage of the level of the Master Skills.
    - Once you have set enough skills to make the Master Skills reach 100% of Level 1 you can then select one of them to charge.
    - You charge the selected Master Skill by doing different game activities (the description of the Master Skill tells you what to do).
    - The charge level is shown on the sea on new icons (3 of them, one for each sheet). Once the charge is 100% you can use the Master Skill by clicking its icon. Once used up (they all have a defined duration) then you can charge it up again.

    As you can see from the above, there are two places where a percentage is used:
    - The level of the Master Skill (once it reaches 100% it then starts at zero again for the next level)
    - The Charge of the Master Skill (once it reaches 100% you can use the skill)

    I hope that helped to clear it up a bit.
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    I hope your fellow pirates advice as helped. I would like to add one specific bit, for your scenario, once you reach 100% on the El Dorado Master Skill, you simply click the 100% button on the Seachart then a 5 second countdown will begin, after which you will be teleported to the Bonus Map.

    Also, there is no need to be sorry, we are happy to answer any questions you may have - that is why we are here! ;)

  4. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    ty Bawdyn and Swift, that clears it up mostly. I'll keep playing around with them and hopefully figure them out. Once again ty both. you can close now.

    TEX~BULL User

    As the OP's question has been answered I will close now.

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