no bokor place?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Figo_Fagot_, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    i buy 100 crate and nowhere to throw?
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Please go to Tavern > Bokor's Chalice . You should be able to throw your crates there.
  3. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    its not there at all
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Please give us your user ID and server.
  5. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    User ID 146/41840730
  6. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    its there now but not my crates
    2015-02-13 08:31:52 100x Voodoo Crates credited to account. Reason: Payment
  7. Gunpowder~N~lead

    Gunpowder~N~lead Forum Greenhorn

    user ID 40/16606635

    i bought 3 crates and they are not posted. they show to be in my logbook. i just bought a small crate and it went right through. Wondering why the others have not been credited yet? Thanks.
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Please be aware that if you purchased these before 12 noon local server time that these may not be visible for players to use. We are aware the layer was there but the ability should not have been possible. Rest assured if you have made a payment to Bigpoint you will get your items.

    However we will need to run a script to place these crates upon your account, please be advised that this may take up to a week. We can guarantee that these crates will be issued before the lottery takes place.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
  9. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    so it is going there be?.. i rem next time i buy >.>
  10. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Yes, these will be placed on your account and the chalice will be available for you to use.
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