Feedback no chat again

Discussion in 'Help' started by bodean, Apr 8, 2019.

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  1. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    i have two issues i would like to give my feedback on. the first is chat is down again on GA3 and it seems to be happening more and more on weekends. a lot of people only have the opportunity to chat with their m8s on weekends because of work and other responsibilities through the week, so why can't they have people work weekends to fix these minor problems? it is not the mods responsibility because they are volunteers and can only report problems to the people who can fix the problems. my second issue is royal hour and i cannot make a purchase, but the teaser has been on home page for 2 hours now. that's alright because i will just keep my money. sorry about my rant, and it is not directed to the mods, but to BP. that is all. tomorrow might be a better day. thank you.
  2. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    Thank you for your feedback which shall be forwarded.

  3. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    thank you Shelby. you can close now.

    TEX~BULL User

    Per the OP's request:

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