No loot/rewards from event npc's

Discussion in 'Help' started by clubbyrexy, Oct 25, 2023.

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  1. clubbyrexy

    clubbyrexy Forum Greenhorn

    Hi ,

    I am not getting any rewards from the event npc's. I started a mission, but still no rewards from the npc's ( no pearls, crowns etc). I kept shooting a few, but none gave any rewards?
    Is there something I am missing or is this just a bug?

    Nevermind, found the issue. Hadn't completed the first quest.
  2. [FOSTERS]

    [FOSTERS] Forum Greenhorn

    i cant get on water with both servers
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy clubbyrexy!

    I am glad to hear that your issue is now resolved.

    Ahoy [FOSTERS]!

    Do not hijack other pirate threads, if you have a problem on your end create your own one.


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