NPC Capture

Discussion in 'Help' started by kittystomper2, Sep 14, 2019.

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  1. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Why do the NPC's not allowing boarding now?

    I've rebooted several times and the ships the little symbol on the left does not appear nor when the NPC is shot down does the swords light up.

  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This trick might help you (or maybe not). I tried boarding some Verdants yesterday and the boarding light wouldn't come on. So I went to hollows with no powder (so I wouldn't accidentally sink it) and I also stopped shooting it (momentarily) and then sailed a few squares away from the ship in different directions. And in most incidences it came back.
  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    the onlly thing to suggest is to make sure you have all the usual stuff. a commander (level 1 allows boarding at 10% hp and level 2 50%), pirates, pirate equipment, high enough boarding value, making sure everything is equipped. making sure the npc in question has a boarding mechanism on it as some don't etc
  4. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    Your fellow pirates are correct in what they suggest , has this helped?

  5. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Yes thanks m8's - you may close
  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As requested, this thread shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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