Number of Bokor's awards

Discussion in 'Help' started by .†.HellFire.†.[AΩ], Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. .†.HellFire.†.[AΩ]

    .†.HellFire.†.[AΩ] Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I want to ask, if I throw in 90 bokor's, can I win let's say 2 times voodoo cannons, 1 time ammo etc. or the maximum amount of awards is limited to 1, no matter how many of your bokor's have won/been withdrawed.

    P.S I know that you can win nothing, I am just interested is it possible to get many awards.

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    maximum amount to be won is limited to 1 so the player throwing 100.00 pk ie 200 chests is the same as the player doing the 2 chest throw
  3. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

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