Suggestion Ocean bombs - Bot prevention

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Ɗяєɗɗєɗ, Sep 15, 2017.

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Who would like to see this added to the game

  1. ADD IT NOW!

    18 vote(s)

    11 vote(s)
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  1. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan


    Ocean bombs will be the new anti bot/player fleet prevention update.

    Now you all might remember the scene from Finding Nemo where the shark is trying to chase and eat Dory and Melvin well for those of you who don't here is a reminder...

    How Ocean bombs work

    Now Ocean bombs will work just like that, sailing into them will make them explode and they will cause 1 billion damage. Nothing will survive by sailing into a Ocean bomb and they can only be detonated by player ships not npcs.

    Once they explode they will despawn and appear in a new random location just like a shiny or chest would. They will also appear on your mini map as if it was a chest or shiny.

    They will also appear in bonus maps and raid maps.

    Ocean bombs will stop botting of bonus maps because at some point during the wave the player will sail over one and get blown up and will have to go back in the map and repeat the wave once again.

    Ocean bombs will stop botting of raid maps due to players looking for the next ship to kill and running into them.

    Ocean bombs will slow down botting of chests and shiny's due to players being blown up and having to repair.

    Ocean bombs will slow down players who like to use 50+ ships a time to take islands due to the ships being destroyed (by the enemy) and when trying to bring the ships back to the attacking location they will sail over a bomb.

    This is what ocean bombs will look like,


    There will be around 10-15 on these on each map in random locations.

    I look forward to reading your comments and please vote!

    Please be aware this post is an idea to prevent botters and not a post accusing anyone of botting we know botting exists in this game and i am just working overtime to bring it to an end.

    Thank you.
    ☠SEADӨG☠ likes this.
  2. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    Thank you ☠SEADӨG☠

    Obviously we cannot please everyone *coff* botters.
  3. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    I like the concept but I dont want to randomly explode for passing over these.
  4. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    You will see these on the water so why would you sail over it? you dont sail into islands? or do you?
  5. i dont see what this fairytale idea will resolve raid maps the npcs fill your screen so if an accounts on auto weres it sailing to ?? there sitting still locking 1 of the 15 thats filled your screen. maybee you should try to stop watching finding nemo.... better still stick to watching nemo and leave the paid workers do there thing.
    im sure if bp wanted it erradicated from the game im sure a tiny proportion of there profits would resolve it. the continuation talks volumes keep the profits let it continue:eek:
  6. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    You have obviously never been in mini raid then frank. Good luck trying to find a ship to sink in there.
  7. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Come to big raid and you will ALWAYS find ships to shoot.
  8. does my avatar say frank ?? does my name below avatar say frank ???? no i dont go mini raid im not a sad act that stays under level 15 to remain in there. :p obviously another fairytale moment :rolleyes:
  9. eren.cttr

    eren.cttr Forum Greenhorn

    sorry but this is lik from a 5 years old kid :D
  10. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Advanced

    A Good Idea...would like to see it taken a stage further. When the bot ship is blown up when hitting one of these it should take its guild members with him for at least 1 week! kaboom...kappow!!!
    The 'knowing' guild leaders would then have to start cleaning up their guilds and be more aware of the 'program users' wishing to continue botting no matter what.
    Lady.Wolf and ~Fire*at*Will~ like this.
  11. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    Not like idea, would achieve nothing apart from the bot having to respawn and repair. You just cost them 30 seconds, great. Problem would still exist at same level as now. As Graves has already said above. if they really want to rid the game of bots then im sure they could achieve with a little effort. Problem is if you rid the bots you dont have enough players left overall to continue to make the game viable.

    Lady.Wolf and Grand-mariner™ like this.
  12. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    let me guess a item we pay for to do bp`s job :rolleyes::oops:
  13. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    cant say that I have but why the random question ?
  14. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    For similar reasons. No thanks!
  15. ~AVIT~

    ~AVIT~ Someday Author

    way 2 stop shinny bots . take time limit off light of tortuga and make the light a shinny reward .the reward must start when u sit on shinny
  16. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    Pros:Its a cute idea and it does show a pro active stance against bots.

    Cons: Reality check....Its effect wouldnt be any different than if the bot had been sunk by on person or more than one person.
    30 secs later its gonna be back on the water and right back at its collections.

    I too wish there was a more viable solution.... Sadly tho, I dont think we will ever see one from BP.
    Which does nothing but show criminals are more powerful than the victim.... just like in real life.
  17. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    just remove shineys and put chest safe haven easy :rolleyes:
  18. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    Removing the glitters from seachart and place in a different format elsewhere seems to be the easiest solution to the problem, if they are not going to remove the bots then make other areas more secure and move the reward items out of their reach?


    BP.. Worst thing you can do here on this subject is little or nothing.. You will ultimately be judged on your actions or your lack of. Your paying customers are the only thing keeping your games afloat.. without them your in a little bit of a pickle?
  19. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    Every idea that has been suggested over the past few years has been a great idea, a lot of thought and imagination went into each and to those who have submitted an idea instead of balking them congrats to you all. We have seen from BP ban waves that apparently do not work, if they wanted to get rid the bots completely then some of these ideas in conjunction would be set into motion. Personally, I don't see the reasoning behind needing to cheat, bot or use outside programs to play a game that means absolutely nothing other than having something to do with my free time. just sayin
  20. GØĐ•Øƒ•ŴДŘ

    GØĐ•Øƒ•ŴДŘ Forum Apprentice

    1 problem with this.. Fighting.. Alot of players use map jumps as a tactic.. If you trying to sink someone and you jump maps you could possibly hit one of these "bombs" so therefore this would he a no go.. Terrible idea
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