Oceans Wrath Event

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Seren, Aug 31, 2020.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Oceans Wrath Event
    The event starts at 12 noon on 2nd September and ends at 12 noon on 7th September.

    All times are local server times.

    The “Oceans Wrath” event features the following:

    • Two event NPCs and one admiral
    • Event ranking
    • Event quests
    • Event chests
    • Event black market (In-game shop)
    • One new Pet: “Merry Manatee”
    During this event you find 3 event ships can be found in the maps 5-45: Manatee, Tigerfin and Enkir Marauder.

    Enkir Raider is an admiral and spawns after a certain number of Manatee and Tigerfin have been sunk.

    Manatee can be shot with all types of ammunition.

    Tigerfin and Enkir Marauder must be shot with elite ammunition.


    Kraken poison ammunition causes much more damage against all event ships.
    Event Ship Rewards
    • Manatee:
      • Depending on how much damage you´ve inflicted you receive EXP and Pearls
      • The player who inflicts most of the damage receives Agwe Amulet, Tritons Blessing, Skyfire or Kraken poison ammunition.

    • Tigerfin:
      • Depending on how much damage you´ve inflicted you are rewarded with Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins.

    • Enkir Marauder:
      • Depending on how much damage you´ve inflicted you are rewarded with EXP and Crystals or ELP.
      • The player who inflicts most of the damage is reward with Pearls or the new pet: “Merry Manatee” (Fallback 1,000 crowns).
      • The player who does the last shot has a small chance to receive the new pet: “Merry Manatee”
    Event Treasure Chests

    In the Event Treasure Chests you find many useful items, like Kraken poison ammunition, Simbi Amulet, Bloodlust, Lionheart, Painbringer canon level 1, Mojo and more.

    Event Ranking Rewards

    1.3x Cancer Bonus Map
    10x Painbringer Cannon Level 5
    25x Blood of the Inya
    15x Simbi Amulet
    2.2x Cancer Bonus Map
    7x Painbringer Cannon Level 5
    15x Blood of the Inya
    10x Simbi Amulet
    3.1x Cancer Bonus Map
    5x Painbringer Cannon Level 5
    15x Blood of the Inya
    5x Simbi Amulet
    4.-10.5x Painbringer Cannon Level 4
    10x Blood of the Inya
    3x Simbi Amulet
    10 x Unstoppable
    11.-25.3x Painbringer Cannon Level 4
    7x Blood of the Inya
    10x Unstoppable
    26.-50.5x Blood of the Inya
    5x Unstoppable
    10x Light of Tortuga
    5x Random3x Painbringer Cannon Level 4
    10x Blood of the Inya
    3x Simbi Amulet

    New Pet

    Merry Manatee
    • Flawless Charoite
    • Flawless Lepidolite

    You can accept quests by speaking to Teresa Jones (on the safe haven). There are 3 quests and 1 daily quest.

    The daily quest is reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    Event keys

    The event keys will be exchanged for normal chest keys.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Something Fishy

    Start At:

    Teresa Jones


    Long time no see, capn'. Spoke to Maxwell recently? No? Huh, interesting. Anyway, that's not why you're here. Youu've seen those Manatees too, right? Then you know what to do! You fought against the Enkir before, and you know how to defend against their raids. Well then, off you go! The Bloody Brigand has to stay here to protect the city.

    Defeat 10 Manatee

    Return to the quest-giver Teresa Jones
    End At:

    Teresa Jones


    3000 Elite Points

    3000 Pearls
    Finest Hour

    Start At:

    Teresa Jones


    Complete the following quest: "Something Fishy".


    A problem never comes alone around here. Killing these Manatee seems to have attracted Tigerfin sharks. Apex predators some call them, vicious nuisance I say. Have you seen the size of their teeth? Better not to think about the hysteria they'll cause if they start to swim closer to the shore. You're more than equipped to deal with them as well.


    Defeat 3 Tiger Fins
    End At:

    Teresa Jones


    4500 Elite Points

    4500 Pearls

    Rock Bottom

    Start At:

    Teresa Jones


    Complete the following quest: "Finest Hour".


    Well, not to say I am surprised but the whole Enkir Armada is rising from the depths. It looks even worse than last time. I don't know what Maxwell did with these Inya stones, but I have a feeling that as long as these stories are in someone's pockets, which is not where they're supposed to be, we're gonna see weird shit happen. Like more Enkirs to fight!


    Inflict at least 12,500.00 damage to the NPC Enkir Maurauder
    End At:

    Teresa Jones


    6000 Elite Points

    6000 Pearls

    Mantee Party

    Start At:

    Teresa Jones


    Complete the quest "Rock Bottom"

    Alright capn', ready for the final battle? Then let's not waste time. First, we win, then I'll need to have a word, or two, with Maxwell, and who knows the time it'll take to find him. You go now, and I'll set up the ambush with the Bloody Brigand. Let's put an end to this Manatee party!

    Defeat 8 Manatee

    Deafeat 2 Tiger Fins

    Inflict at least 5,250.000 damage to the NPC Enrik Marauder
    End At:

    Teresa Jones


    8000 Elite Points

    8000 Pearls