Open Beta test upcoming Event (Technical Issues/Bugs)

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Jun 8, 2017.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Open Beta test upcoming Event (Technical Issues/Bugs)

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please use this thread to report any Technical issues or bugs in this discussion thread. Please remember to leave your user id and name, so this can be reviewed.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    Okay so i have spent a good few hours on the event and have run into a few problems.

    1) Main boss has no announcement on sea chart.
    2) Small event ships are only giving EP and about 1000 ammo and sometimes no reward whatsoever. (it looks like they are missing a pearl reward, otherwise people would not shoot them)
    3) Event chests only give 1700 ammo (very rarely with chest skills on, needs increasing)

    Overall feedback, Fix these issues, increase the pearl and ammo loots and we could have a very good event.
  3. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    How do I enter this beta test?
  4. grahinho

    grahinho Advanced

    event npc shoot you and sunk you in 3 shoot ,bad rewards from small npc no desings no new pet bad
  5. BigGoon{MAIN}

    BigGoon{MAIN} Forum Apprentice

    how yyou supppose to shoot big ship if u die 1 hit by it
  6. .ModernWarfare.

    .ModernWarfare. Forum Apprentice

    First of should had put pvp restriction it was meant for testing the event cant do that if im fighting all the people in the map

    i agree rewards are low specially if there's no ammo drop guarranted and no pearls whatsoever from small ships
    Regents npc seems pretty good tho, however i do hate that event seem like a trial version makes it real tricky to give accurate feedback
    for example there was emblems in blackmarket like the ones used for event solo/group maps but seems like no way to use them
    Flint's damage is ridiculous, no idea about rewards everyone was busy fightin and no way anyone can solo that.
    coins currency was hard to come by need an increase as well

    so far looks ok has potential if you do the necessary tweaks
  7. LADYDI02

    LADYDI02 Advanced

    how the hell did u guys managed to test it, i cant even get on the water, server maintanence, thats all i get

    H.M.S.BOUNTY-SET Forum Greenhorn

    server maintanence, omg
  9. TheGunMagic

    TheGunMagic Forum Greenhorn

  10. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    To you need to register again to play on the test server?
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