Announcement Patchday Notes 2023

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Rymar, Nov 6, 2023.

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  1. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing for some more missing texts in the Seaside Squad event.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are about to sync the following changes.

    Event Changes:
    • Added Event Chests and Shipwrecks to the Lost Fleet maps
    • Increased the spawn rate of Event Chests and Shipwrecks
    • Improved the Group Map and Minigame rewards
    • Improved the rewards for the Event NPCs
    • Lowered the required amount of NPCs that need to be killed for the admiral to spawn
    • Changed Shipwreck loot to reward Damask Harpoons instead of Iron Harpoons
    Your Seafight Team
    babenewport and Bawdyn like this.
  3. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The recent sync was for the following event changes.

    Event Changes:
    • Starro now inflicts more damage
    • Slightly reduced the amount of Starro spawning
    • Removed the requirement for Reputation to earn Radiant Souls from Zenith Zeppelin, and increased the amount compared to what was intended
    • Removed the 3 second delay when you enter the Calypso Minigame
    • Added Radiant Souls into the loot of the Blast Blimp
    • Added an in-game package to exchange Cursed Souls for Radiant Souls
    Your Sefight Team
    old_chocoflakez likes this.
  4. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We shall be syncing the following changes shortly.

    New Features:
    • We have increased the rewards for the League of Captains missions and added new Daily Quests.
    Bug fixes:
    • We have fixed the visual issue with the Trophy Window
    • When typing in chat the Enter button could get 'stuck' on browsers - FIXED
    • Fixed the height of all maps
    Your Seafight Team
  5. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We shall be syncing the following.

    Bug fixes:
    • We have resolved the issue with various Area Effects, such as Homing Mine, Lost Love, etc
    • We have resolved another issue with the Trophies. Note: You can only earn progress to your trophy from the intended trophies region, e.g. Commonwealth Haul is 21/1 to 25/1, Civil War Victory is 26/1 to 30/1 and Fenghuang Fortunes is 31/1 to 40/1
    Your Seafight Team
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the upcoming Magellan Voyage event.
    Bug fix:
    • We have corrected the amount of EXP you receive from healing another player with repair cannons.
    • Aura of Protection is now removed when you are healing another player.
    • Wooden Beams would not effect the amount of HP provided by Ablative Plating - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
    Seren likes this.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • We have lowered the amount of minions required to spawn the admiral
    • NPCs now spawn faster
    • We have added Season Achievements
    • The loot for the minions and admiral has been increased
    Bug fixes:
    • We have fixed the text issue in the Event Ranking Window
    • We have corrected the Crafting Packages not showing in the Crafting Workshop
    Your Seafight Team
    Seren likes this.
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • We are increasing the rewards of the Event NPCs.
    Your Seafight Team
    BuddhasRevenge and Seren like this.
  9. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We had a sync earlier this morning with the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the upcoming Harvester of Souls event.
    Bug Fixes:
    • After you level up, your weapon slots kept changing until the next restart - FIXED
    • Sometimes you were required to change chat tab and change back to see messages - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are going to sync at 17:30 CET (15:30 UTC) the following changes.

    Note: We shall also have a maintenance period of 5-10 minutes for unrelated backend changes.

    Event Changes:
    • We have decreased the quest giver speed
    • We have increased the event damage of Soul Eater ammunition
    • The limit for the amount of admirals spawned by the action items has been increased
    • We've added some extra packages to the event Shop
    • The positioning of the new ship designs has been corrected
    • Added the missing image and text for the new Event Points item.
    Your Seafight Team
    old_chocoflakez likes this.
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing some event changes.

    Event Changes:
    • We have increased the amount of admirals that can be on the map at one time again.
    • We have increased the Radiant Soul amount you can earn.
    Your Seafight Team
    old_chocoflakez and The*Defiant like this.
  12. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are about to sync the following.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the upcoming The Shadow of the Grand Vizier
    • We have added the autofill option into the Gem Crafting window. (Note, when selected this will automatically add any Gems of the same type to the Gem Crafting after you have accepted the previous fusion)
    • We've adjusted the Golden Stag area effect attacks so now a countdown shows the type of area attack you will be hit with
    Bug fixes:
    • The Soulsinger design from the Harvester of Souls event has been repositioned and the ghost effect added.
    • After activating the Snowman action item, the on map snowman now changes direction based on the direction the player is moving.
    Your Seafight Team
  13. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently about to sync changes to The Shadow of the Grand Vizier event.

    Your Seafight Team
  14. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We shall have one last sync today, we are increasing the loot of all event Npcs.

    Your Seafight Team
    old_chocoflakez likes this.
  15. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We shall be syncing the following tomorrow morning during the EU Daily Restart.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the upcoming Circle of Salt event!
    • Trophies now only apply their bonuses in the Region of the Trophy Shelf. E.g. Commonwealth Haul trophies only apply in maps 21/1 to 25/1
    • We have improved the Whirlpool effect
    • We have improved the movement of pets, they now move around your ship when you're not moving
    Bug fixes:
    • Some maneuvers could damage some Quest Givers - FIXED
    • Added some surface graphics for some Submarines that were missing these
    Your Seafight Team
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • We have increased the currency rewards of all event NPCs
    • We have fixed the spawn rate in the Lost Fleet maps
    Your Seafight Team
  17. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • Corrected the Ship Design that could be earnt by defeating Crab Claws
    • Changed the Season Achievement to defeat Crab Claws
    • We shall run a script shortly to book the correct Design to all players who earn't it from Crab Claws
    Your Seafight Team
  18. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing.

    Event Changes:
    • We have added some more items to the in-game Shop to buy with event currency
    • We have fixed the Ship Design not being available from the Group Map
    Your Seafight Team
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the Sins of our Fathers event.
    Your Seafight Team
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We hope you're enjoying both the Circle of Salt and Sins of our Fathers events!

    We're currently syncing an increase in all Sins of our Fathers rewards!

    Your Seafight Team