Patchday Notes (On-screen messages change)

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by The*Defiant, Jul 13, 2023.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    • Due to feedback that the on-screen messages displays information slowly, we have removed all loot/rewards from these.
    • We have implemented a new window, which can be found under the chat window dropdown; in here you have two tabs, the Announcements tabs will show all on-screen messages, the second Loot tab will show the rewards you have earnt.
    Feedback: For the record - years ago - this was not a problem. We did not have all of our Mojos that we dropped appear on the screen. (We also didn't have a ton of our salvos appear in our Logbooks either). This new method really stinks. I can't see what I got in a treasure chest without going to that Chat window dropdown?? It is a terrible change. I used to just drop all my Mojos (several hundred at a time) when I was ready to log-off and that got rid of the annoying problem. (Or you could just log-off and then back in). The developers have been great at messing up things that previously worked fine; then, when we complain about the mess they made, it gets 'forwarded" and they do nothing. If these folks were competent, we wouldn't have Patchday Notes coming out twice in one day, or daily, or even every other day. It really gripes me! I would like to see (in this same "feedback" thread), the views of other players on this issue. Is it just me??
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    The Log Book* already has the loot info. We don't need another huge window to try to fit on the screen, we already have more than enough. The reason it needs to be on the screen is to see what you got as you get it. They could remove the cauldron info from the announcements. We don't need that as we can already see what we got on the Cauldron window.

    * If they fixed the filters then the Log Book would be even better.
  3. Aragorn_Potężny

    Aragorn_Potężny Forum Greenhorn

    let them go back to how it was before this new system is crap not only that san does not update it also hangs the game
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. Skautas

    Skautas Forum Greenhorn

    The new loot system is underwhelming. Bring back the old loot system!
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
  5. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    I agree. The new thing where we cant see rewards,capture and other thing unless on another page is bull!!! Change it!!
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
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