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Discussion in 'Help' started by ~turnip~, Nov 19, 2018.

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  1. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    as mentioned, the trigger spawn points on aouricomos and hawkeyes has been increased from 1 to 2. however, I don't understand this specific piece of jargon. could you please elaborate on what a trigger spawn point is? is it how many points each ship credits towards the required amount for the respective admiral to spawn?

    TEX~BULL User

    I believe that it means you are getting double the credit for each kill towards the spawning of an Admiral.

  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    woooo ok, good improvement :D ty
  4. Dark♥Angel

    Dark♥Angel Forum Apprentice

    bigpoint needs to lower the spawn rate to spawn the revenge 2 it takes 500 should only be 250 renown2
  5. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    Good luck spend hours and shoot them for a spawn and boats come out of wood work kill it before you can find it, they need to make that if don't shoot a certian % of the renown II's they can't shoot the Admiral either!
    Crazymamba and bøgholm83 like this.

    TEX~BULL User

    As the question has been answered and this is Not a discussion thread I will close:

    ~turnip~ likes this.
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