Payment area not working at all

Discussion in 'Help' started by Dewguy, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. Dewguy

    Dewguy Forum Greenhorn

    the entire payment area, on east coast US server is not working, can't get premium, cant get any ships or anything from event ammo to keys and pearl currency to even show up to buy or price, tried every thing only can access certain packs like voodoo cannons. You might wanna get this fixed or nobody on East Coast US will be buying anything cause they cant access it, I was hoping to look at prices not make a purchase yet, thou think I'll wait till it's working properly again
  2. Dewguy

    Dewguy Forum Greenhorn

    noticed it has been like this a few days and even tried putting in a support ticket to let you all know and since the support ticket only asks for payment issue and time and not any detail of problem, please forward this to the proper people so the may get it fixed if not its BP loss of money not mine

    TEX~BULL User

    It will be forwarded. Thank you.

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