Payout Changes

Discussion in 'Help' started by the_big_wierdo, Aug 20, 2014.

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  1. the_big_wierdo

    the_big_wierdo Forum Apprentice

    OK so the little event ships no longer give out pearls as a reward, got that, but do the big ones (100mil HP +) still give out pearls along with the new payouts? Not gonna lie I'll be very disappointed if pearls are pulled from them as well...
  2. Bangin*Skulls

    Bangin*Skulls Junior Expert

    The Rhea and Cronos will still pay pearls and crystals, the rest won't, your on the forums though, how could you not find this info?
  3. the_big_wierdo

    the_big_wierdo Forum Apprentice

    It says they will also give all that stuff, but it doesn't say specifically that the big ones will have pearl rewards removed. at least not that I saw
  4. Bangin*Skulls

    Bangin*Skulls Junior Expert

    The pearls are being removed and you'll receive a large unknown amount of souls or some gems in place of pearls.
  5. Wira

    Wira Someday Author

    • Rhea & Kronos will stay the same. this NPC will still gives pearls and crystal
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Your fellow pirates are correct.

    Here are the updates posted by the Global Team Leader

    • The Gaia Defender and Ouranos Warrior NPCs will drop Souls or Gems to the player who makes the last shot as well as Gems to the players who make the most damage.
    • Theia & Hyperion will drop Crystals and a large amount of Souls for you to spend in the Black Market and work towards getting the ship designs!
    • Phoibe & Okeanos will now drop Crystals and Gems depending on how much damage you do, whoever makes the most damage and whoever makes the last shot. You can craft the Gems to create more powerful ones!
    • Rhea & Kronos will stay the same.
    This means that the hyperion, Phoibe and Okeanos will no longer be giving pearls, but the Rhea and Kronos will remain the same.

    Please let me know if this answers your question :)
  7. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    As no response from the OP, I shall close.

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