
Discussion in 'Help' started by Hinnerz, Aug 27, 2017.

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  1. Hinnerz

    Hinnerz Forum Apprentice

    What's the most efficient way to spend your pearls?
    I've been using them to lvl up as i can't do the quests fast enough, but the next ones 40k!!
  2. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    if you want to buy you tests, theres no need for tests 1-9, 17-20. 10 - 16 are the harder ones if u solo. but i also never would buy as long as i have lots other things to upgrade
  3. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    the most eficent way to spent them is to throw them for mojo .. in return you get item and bonus map and the total reward is biger of what you spent in the first place
  4. happyfeet

    happyfeet Forum Greenhorn

    Yes this can be a good way to use the pearls but remember that you need to be able to do all the bonus maps you get to get the peals back
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