pet food

Discussion in 'Help' started by rip9999, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. rip9999

    rip9999 Someday Author

    pet food not working again uk server 39/20531487
  2. Zewa2

    Zewa2 Forum Apprentice

    Same here, dont work anymore! Uk server 39/40716734
  3. greybrick

    greybrick Forum Apprentice

    Why can I not feed my pet?
    When will the boarding system be fixed?
    Why are level 27 design boats still newbie protected?
    Why can we not bid on repair cannons?
    When will that be fixed?
  4. ♥ǪǗẸẸŇ~ĎĮÃ♥

    ♥ǪǗẸẸŇ~ĎĮÃ♥ Forum Apprentice

    Same problem, To do it now you have to deactivate the pet, then feed it, then reactivate it. This is the only way I have found that works so far. Hopefully they get something fixed soon
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This has been forwarded however with the issue with some of the browsers not working the programmers are trying to resolve this first and foremost.

    As so as we have any update we will keep you informed.
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