Petfood - unable to scroll down to some

Discussion in 'Help' started by Melarosa, Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. Melarosa

    Melarosa Junior Expert

    Im currently unable to see or use my golden petfood - the slider on the right goes so far down, but stops just short of the golden stuff - can you take a look at this issue please? (I can use silver and other food OK its just the ones at the bottom that I cant seem to get to)

    ID 39/38006896

    Many Thanks
    PS love the event!
  2. Melarosa

    Melarosa Junior Expert

    Well I never, I've just taken another look and now I can get to all of the petfood. If only this worked when I asked for a payrise!

    Please close the thread and accept my apologies for wasting your time.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Never a waste of our time if you post before we get to you. We do apologise for the delay however as we have been experiencing some technical difficulties with the forum.

    If this happens again, which it just might please just change to say the home page then go back to do the pet food, you sometimes have to load the page a couple of times to be able to scroll down

    As requested however.

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