Feedback Pirate Cup Legacy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jun 12, 2024.

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  1. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Forum Apprentice

    Question on Event Points - How are points calculated for the Pirate Cup Legacy Event Ranking vs the Pirate Cup France Champion Ranking (Daily Reward)?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -BigBadWolf-!

    Pirate Cup France Champion Ranking (daily) - this ranking add up all event points gained by you from both quests and NPCs (for your team)

    Pirate Cup Legacy Event Ranking (end of event) - this ranking also add up all event points gained by you however this one is "solo" ranking so everyone are within the same list

  3. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Forum Apprentice

    I don't think that is correct. I am #13 in the end of event ranking and yet I don't break the top 100 (once i got 36, the rest of the days I was well outside the top 100) in the daily France ranking. The 2 daily quests (FAQs indicate there are only 2) only give 11,000 event points total and I do both. Since there are 24 countries it does not make sense that i could be #13 overall and yet not break the top 100 in my country, so still confused on how the ranking calculates.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Please be aware that all quests provide you with event points, not only the daily ones.

    So when you did 1st and 2nd quest line you gathered lots of points from these quests.

  5. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    Mate you are right the drop rate is horrible I been shooting event ships 3 to 4 hrs a day and manage to get 3 more since the event, it's pretty bad at this point
    Bawdyn likes this.
  6. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Padavan

    why are the soul prices for common pieces going down and the price for epic pieces ae going up this is crazy ill never get all these pieces
  7. Disaster2604

    Disaster2604 Junior Expert

    the more people sell the less value you get per soul, and for epics the more demand the more expensive they get. Silly concept esecially when we are limited to 20 trades per day. With 20 days left, we can get 400 souls out of regular soul trades at best. o_O
  8. Archimedes1

    Archimedes1 Forum Greenhorn

    your group maps are bugged half the time i spawn in group map with normal hp and Cant attack anyone but can still get attacked!,. and im losing Paper Strips just trying to do the group maps.. can we get a Fix for this bug please?
  9. Archimedes1

    Archimedes1 Forum Greenhorn

    any how long is a chat bann? its been 3 weeks already .. and i didnt say anything that bad.. Your chat mods are abusing there abusing their authority and playing favorites -.- people were saying worse then what i said all week and all i did was tell them there program for the group maps suck and i'v been chat ban for 3 weeks now
  10. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Padavan

    awww i get it now this event is 4 bots lol dang they are lucky go get'em bots :)
    -PUSAT- and Bawdyn like this.
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The_Perseph0ne!

    As pointed out by your fellow pirate the price of all event card pieces depends on the "market economy".

    The more players sell such piece the lower the price.

    Ahoy Archimedes1!

    Which group map? Perhaps you selected a HEALER option with repair cannon equipped?

    Ahoy Archimedes1!

    This is not a thread to discuss chat bans.

    If you would like to make a complaint create a new thread in Chat section or contact Support.

  12. Archimedes1

    Archimedes1 Forum Greenhorn

    both group maps. i join with 800k hp and can not attack. nor can i use Healing Ammo it stats do not have cannon on board for this type of ammo when using healing ammo. they can attack me however i can not attack back. also it has a another bug.. When u start the game it counts down to enter the group map. and at theend of the count down says U lose with out even entering the group map

    this is frustrating.. i have lost over 10 strips with out even being able to play!

    also i dont think the loot is being gained.. it says 17 paper strips 1 to enter group i gain 2 paper strips on reward when going back to smtyhe it says i have 16 paper strips the loot isnt being gained from group maps
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 22, 2024
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I have tested the group map and had no issue targeting opponents and firing at them.

    Please try to log out / in and do the group map again.

    If nothing change please contact Support as it may be an issue on your end.

  14. Disaster2604

    Disaster2604 Junior Expert

    happend to me once, im assuming it had sth to do with me changing presets while countdown for the map begun.
  15. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Disaster2604!

    I tried to switch pre-sets multiple times when the countdown started but I was unable to replicate this issue.

    The next time this happen to you could you please write down the exact time and send it to Support so they can review it further?

    Disaster2604 likes this.
  16. sariman

    sariman Forum Apprentice

    Wondering when spawns the Golden Kicker , and is this anounced global ?
    Didn t see one in 2 weeks.
    tHX for Info
  17. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy sariman!

    Golden Kicker has been added on the 21st with the start of Phase 2, it spawns randomly on a random map so there are no notifications I am afraid.

  18. ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭

    ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭ Someday Author

    Alright mate ill try that and see what happens, i'm not a big fighter since i came from GA3, old eyes and slow hands thanks for the advice cheers
  19. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Regular

    Where can we find what rewards we get at each puzzle milestone?

  20. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Hover your mouse cursor over the red key at each milestone. It tells you the prizes and how many you need to earn it.
    Dream~Crusher likes this.