Pirate Lords?

Discussion in 'Help' started by †x†Death†x†, Jul 26, 2019.

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  1. †x†Death†x†

    †x†Death†x† Forum Apprentice

    2019-07-26 10:31:57 You sank Hollow Lord's ship.
    2019-07-26 10:31:57 You received 5500 x Pearls. (Correction: 10%)
    2019-07-26 10:31:57 You received 5500 x Pearls. (Correction: 10%)
    2019-07-26 10:31:57 You received 41735 EP (experience points). (Correction: 10%)
    2019-07-26 10:31:57 You received 671 x Burning Ice ammunition.

    2019-07-26 11:35:54 You received 388 x Pearls.
    2019-07-26 11:35:54 You received 1 x Christmas White.(only has 1 5k gem)
    2019-07-26 11:35:54 You received 808 x Burning Ice ammunition.
    2019-07-26 11:35:54 You received 36590 EP (experience points).
    (Didn't Get the Sink on this one but got the skin)

    Sorry to say it but why is the payout so low for how much HP each has I mean come on 20 million and the last hit vs not last hit is huge for so much ammo spent it feels like It's not even worth spending money for the Ammo pack which I wanted to but if this is how all the event ships are going to pay out I feel it would be a waste of my money to buy Ammo to shoot them is there a reason the payouts are so low vs the over all Hit Point value for the event ships?

    Sorry forgot to mention that after all these are gold ammo Ships I'm referencing right now and 20 million is excessive for the amount of hallows required to sink them which provoked my initial Question.
    bodean and The*Defiant like this.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for your feedback this will be forwarded to the appropriate people.

    We do not get to decide the rewards or the share of rewards that is down to the developers.

    As there is no question here we are able to answer this post will be closed.


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