Feedback Pirate Lords

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Nov 13, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Smooth4111!

    On which server? Everything worked fine for me on UMS.

    Ahoy Øц†_†Д_ģ€†_м€!

    Ooops skipped on your question xD

    GD decided to put just 1 so just 1 there is.

    Ahoy Turoff69!

    No its NOT TRUE, if you want to have full benefit on HP % then yes, but that do not provide you with much damage prevention does it?

    Wearing just 1 item would not be beneficial to your ship at all, its better to run full ribs L6 than 1 ablative plating L5 due to the amount of damage prevention you need to fight against NPCs.

    Ahoy -_-Sharma-_-!

    In order to craft Level 5 Ablative Plating you need to own:

    - 1 Level 5 Ablative Plating upgrade recipe
    - 450 Safanad Coins
    - 3 Ablative Platings on level 4

    So you can purchase this recipe but you won't be able to use it if you do not own the items I just listed.

    -_-Sharma-_- likes this.
  2. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    To clarify my point: My experience has been that most players use ablative plates to maximize their hit points. Based on that concept, what I said was correct relative to hit points. As to damage prevention, if you put on twenty-one level 5 plates (with 428 expansion slots), you have 94% damage prevention. But, with twenty-eight level 6 ribs, the damage prevention is 95%. However, with one level 5 ablative plate and the rest (twenty-seven) in level 6 reinforced ribs, you have 96% damage prevention! <--(This is the optimal setup for damage prevention within these 3 scenarios, not running all level 6 ribs). if you think this is incorrect, try these different setups, spy yourself, and see. (Also, keep in mind ablative plates take 20 slots per blade; ribs take only 15. And no disrespect to the moderator is intended here). But to summarize: there is no need for more than one top level ablative plating in one's inventory, given the various choices available.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
  3. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    The Apricum skin used to have a "built-in" faster rep speed. I remember it well, as it was very desirable to have, and was even sold by Bigpoint. Does that still hold true for the one that can be won in this event?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    No. In past we had no gems that's why some design had special abilities - this has been simply replaced by gems.

    The one you can win in this event is the remastered version of apricum.


    When it comes to pure HP - no dmg. prevention then yes. You are correct, for as long as you dont mix your Ablative plating with anything.

    21x Ablative Plating Level 5 = 21% Damage Prevention
    28 Ribs Level 6 = 22% Damage Prevention

    You do not get full 1% when adding 1 Ablative Plating as that's not how absolute and relative values on these extension items work.

    Everything depends on the amount of extension slots owned by you (how much ablative / ribs can you fit in).

  5. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    Yes - I am very familiar with relative values versus absolute values, and the dilution that occurs when mixing different extensions. I put on my analytical cap today, and delved into this damage prevention question in great detail. I found that the *highest possible* damage prevention on my ship is achieved with a mix of the two extensions (96.55%, with 15 level 6 reinforced ribs and 9 level 5 ablative plates). That means that running all level 6 ribs does not yield the highest damage prevention percentage, at least on my ship (with 408 expansion slots). I'll create a new thread (my apologies) for further discussion on this. But nevertheless, I should have clarified in my initial comment on level 5 ablative plating that I was basing it on maximum hit points only. Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
  6. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    According to the FAQs, all of these npcs pay pearls as a secondary possibility, but the Burning-Ice Lord pays pearls initially, or did I read that incorrectly?
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    Each and every NPC within this event (as always) have only a chance to drop each currency.

    There is not guarantee on anything.

  8. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    I knew that, but just asked to see if any particular ship had a better chance of paying out pearls as the primary reward. I earned a lot of pearls the first day in that manner, but since then, I have only been getting yulong coins. Thanks.
  9. eχpert_witneЅЅ

    eχpert_witneЅЅ Forum Apprentice

    Mann, lion chests, and now these chests/shipwrecks.. my excitement of looting is back! :)
    Down side for me, lords in nautica are shooting hard. i cant leave my ship afk, which is the most valuable feature of the game for me since i cant look at the screen continuously.

    P.S. : using league buffs as marketing tools should stop. i protest this. I dont like leagues anyway :D (this is related to event content, dont change its place plz)
    (edit: its very nice to have all the league buffs at once, but it hurts to lose them in a few days )
    P.S. : obviously there is no factory for bloodfyre in nautica yet, yet there are events related to it :confused: i mean, that npc has more bloodfyre than i do.. xd
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  10. G-dude

    G-dude Regular

    "The player who inflicts the most damage is rewarded with Fortune Cookies, Poseidon’s Crown, Taureau Amulet or Ghost EXP Bonus Buff. The player also receives either the Crystal Mirage Design or Safanad"

    Does damaging the VP of an event ship count towards total damage?
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy G-dude!

