Pirate Test Didn't level up

Discussion in 'Help' started by xSlashPTx, Mar 3, 2014.

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  1. xSlashPTx

    xSlashPTx Forum Greenhorn


    Like the tittle says I'm having problems with my pirate test, I already did it some time ago, and contacted the support team, and they told me to just keep waiting on, today I contacted them again and once again the portuguese team instead of leveling me up, kept me in the same level and told me once again to wait for a fix.. It seems like everyone here is getting its level as it's supposed..

    I already concluded the pirate test.. so if anyone could manually level me up to level 2 I would be gratefull..

    ID: 41352706
    Global Europe 3

    In the logbook:
    2014-02-23 15:35:02Parabéns! Cumpriste a missão com sucesso!
    In missions:
    Prova do pirata Nível 22014-02-23 15:35:02
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We are looking into it, thank you for your patience.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Having checked your account I can see that you are indeed level 2.
  4. xSlashPTx

    xSlashPTx Forum Greenhorn

    Sorry in fact it was a error, I failed to go to level 3.. I already made the pirate test and still I am not level 3..
    Also you can confirm it by the logs.. I made the pirate test to level 2 and everything went as supposed but when I tried to level up to level 3 it bugged..
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This has now been resolved for you.
  6. xSlashPTx

    xSlashPTx Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you!

  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    You are welcome.

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