pirate test problem

Discussion in 'Help' started by _-Lawrence-_, Aug 19, 2017.

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  1. _-Lawrence-_

    _-Lawrence-_ Forum Apprentice

    hi, I'm currently on the quest "trusted" and I've done all the steps up to last which is give the quest giver 100 crowns but it has seemed to have glitched out, it hasn't completed itself and it just says collect 0 crowns and return to Oswald Murray. can I get some help with this?
  2. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    When it says collect 0 Crowns that means that you have enough to fulfil the requirement. Lots of players have problems redeeming this, you need to sail up really close to the Oswald Murray guy, so close in fact that you can smell his bad breath, in order to get a result.
  3. _-Lawrence-_

    _-Lawrence-_ Forum Apprentice

    edit that, when I sail up to him he only gives me the option to cancel quest

    nvm sorted
  4. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Glad you managed. For the record and to help others who may have a similar issue what caused it and how did you eventually sort it?
  5. _-Lawrence-_

    _-Lawrence-_ Forum Apprentice

    basically, like you said, you have to literally sail up to the square that is in line with the icon of oswald and it grants you the level, bit rubbish if you ask me but yh, seems to do the trick

    like to the right of him, to the right of the icon
    Destruction likes this.
  6. Deloops

    Deloops User

    As this is now resolved.

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