Announcement Pirate's Code: A Call for Independence on the High Seas!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jan 12, 2024.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Pirate's Code: A Call for Independence on the High Seas!
    Ahoy pirates,

    We want to emphasize a crucial aspect regarding quest or some specific information. While we appreciate your enthusiasm and curiosity about every detail, we won't be providing a full detailed guide that includes exact locations, quest-giver details, and other very specifics information. The essence of gameplay lies in the joy of exploration and discovery.

    Even if it may seem tempting to lay out all the information like a roadmap, we believe that revealing every detail detracts from the excitement of the gaming experience. We want to encourage you to be independent captains. We'll toss you a compass and share some crucial details, but the real joy lies in charting your course, exploring uncharted waters, and uncovering the buried treasures on your own.

    So, my dearest pirates, let the spirit of adventure rule the day! We'll give ye a nudge in the right direction, but the true glory be in discovering the secrets of the seven seas.

    Fair winds and following seas.

    Your Seafight Team
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