pirates on board

Discussion in 'Help' started by GPMONSTER, Sep 30, 2014.

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    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    so let me see this right not that long ago we all had quite abit more pirates carried on board are ships BP took it down ie recalculated said they'd be looking into it as are mod team clearly said many times in forum posts my question is this every time BP takes things away ie short changes the players are they going to continue to bring it back as a chargeable item like the new commander ???? seems kinda strange so also that there looking into the voodoo cannon issue should that also be expecting a cost upgrade on something new to be coming out in the near future just seems that every time BP shortchanges the players they get it back when BP figures a way to charge them for something they already had but yet this game has so many issue that need attention ie repairs that it seems there priority's are a wee bit off or am i over thinking things a wee bit??? maybe maybe not??
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The Voodoo cannons are getting a lot of reports that they aren't working as they should (from players), this has been passed up to the dev team. We have said this many times, as of changing the cannon's properties, it is highly unlikely. Every game issue is brought to the developer's attention and they do work under high pressure to resolve this, sometimes not as fast as you would like, but they do work towards it.

    As to stop this turning into a rant at developers or become a discussion, I shall close as information is given.

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