Plato's Coin (Event?)

Discussion in 'Help' started by Pagan_Spirit, Aug 26, 2017.

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  1. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    I'm guessing this belongs to the current event, but am not sure..
    > the Event FAQ tells me I can use the coins to hire helpers for whatever
    > ppl. in chat tell me I can use them in minigames, as tokens, I'm guessing they mean the events.

    Furthermore, would I, a no-pay/gold ammo player, with a base damage of 4k, be able to manage anything in said minigames?

    And thus, simply ignore the coin gains I get from wherever / wait for the 1 coin = 1 gold payout when the event ends.

    **although I do have some elite ammo saved up along the years:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  2. Deloops

    Deloops User


    to start a minigame, you must first find Captain Ravenbeard. (He can be found in Safe Haven)


    When you click on Captain Ravenbeard (you have to be close enough), the following will appear:


    Here you can choose to do any of the three mini maps (Ice Crusher, Ogygia survivor, Lagoon Leader).

    In Ice Crusher mini map and in Ogygia survivor mini map, you can hire so said "helpers" to help you with the task at hand. (By using Solon's and Plato's coins)

    For example, if you choose to do a mini map called Ogygia survivor with "no helper" you will receive the following rewards:

    * 10,000 elite points
    * 30 Cursed souls
    * 3 Radiant souls
    * 1 Magic Emblem (That can be used to enter a group map)

    With a potential reward: The Magic Lamp


    If you choose to hire a helper by using 1 Plato's coin, you will gain:

    *5,000 elite points
    *20 Cursed souls
    *1 Magic emblem

    With a potential reward: The Magic Lamp


    When hiring a helper by using a Solon's coin, you will get:

    *10 Cursed souls,
    *1 Magic Emblem

    With a potential reward: The Magic Lamp



    As posted in the FAQ:

    Training version
    The training versions are intended for practice and do not require any emblems, but you won't receive any rewards for these versions.

    Normal version
    Using Ancient Emblems, you can buy access the normal version of the mini games.
    You can play each mini game as often as you want to, but the price will increase for each time you enter the game.
    The better your performance, the higher are the rewards.
    "Perfect" rounds will even give points to the daily ranking for mini games.
    In the normal versions you need to use elite ammunition!

    Be aware, that the use of hired help will reduce your final score and rewards for the game.


    Since you do not get any pearls as a reward from finishing a mini map game, and it might be too late for you to start saving the souls to get Voodoo cannons from the black marcet, I do not believe doing mini maps would benefit you in the long run, unless you wish to get some Level 5 55 pounders or level 3 60 pounders.

    You could however do some mini maps with the help of hired help, get 3 Magical Emblems, join a group map, and if completed receive:

    * 40,000 pearls,
    * 5,000 elite points,
    * 50 radiant souls,
    * 10,000 Experience points

    Potential rewards:

    * 30 Dragonfires,
    * 30 Legba Amulets,
    * 30 Triton's Benevolence
    * 3-5 Voodoo Cannons
    * The Executioner
    * Catapult
    * Amber Avenger


    If you do choose to do a mini map, or the group map, please note:

    From the FAQ:

    Flare ammunition will cause much more damage than other ammunition against the event NPCs and Mini Game.

    Shell Shock will cause much more damage than any other ammunition on the Group Map


    I hope this has been helpful.
  3. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    twas very comprehensive. --- not too much difference than the FAQs, but thanks for posting it up again for better understanding.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
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