Players beware!!!

Discussion in 'Help' started by KeeLHuLL™, Jan 4, 2015.

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  1. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    Cauldron is broken or set up to steal pearls from you I had 10,800 stole by BP and they delete post as I am sure this one will be to. Click to throw 5 mojo's in the cauldron and said I threw 500 hundred at a time and that is not an option to throw that many and did not have that many mojo's so it takes your pearls. I was not looking at 1st when throwing then caught after down 12,000 pearls. Now they say contact dead end support so beware cauldron is broken or rigged and will steal your pearls. Must be setup that way so they recover from the cheats hacking of bonus maps, yes just another take from us.
    *Wonder* and Capt.D like this.
  2. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    It also steals your jokers. They can "fix" gunpowders, but they can't fix the cauldron.
    *Wonder* likes this.
  3. BOOOM

    BOOOM Forum Greenhorn

    ive also noticed the jokers dont work, but why write in, the mod teams tell the developers then developers sweep it under the carpet for a bonus lol
    *Wonder* likes this.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As you state you were asked to contact support, please do.

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