Announcement Players Wishlist Designs Teaser

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Swift, Jul 27, 2023.

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  1. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Players Wishlist Designs Teaser

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Recently, players over on our Discord submitted some designs that they wanted us to introduce. Following a vote by the players, we have started work creating some Designs inspired by their suggestions.

    We'd like to give you a sneak peak at one of the upcoming designs:


    We'll be sure to share progress on the other designs too! In the meantime, head on over to our Discord and let us know your views using the invite link

    Your Seafight Team
    djt182 and Seren like this.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Thank you all for the feedback of the previous design, we're glad to see so many of you who like it! For the next design, we've taken onboard some of your feedback and made this one a little shorter.

    Here's another sneak peak of the next Wishlist Design that players voted for on Discord:

    Your Seafight Team
    _RATTY_. and VЇCTOЯY™ like this.