
Discussion in 'Help' started by soljaboy, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    ok so the last podcast was in german and again this new podcast is in german.

    i mean no disrespect here but this is an english forum so my question is where is the english podcasts ?
  2. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Good point soljaboy.
    I will pass on this concern.

    Thank you
  3. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    thanks very much its appreciated :)
  4. Chadvader

    Chadvader Junior Expert

    If you want to understand a bit of what they saying you can use google chrome and when you watch the video on youtube there is a captions box along the bottom where you can get english and other subs.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
  5. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    You don't need to have this podcast in English. There are english captions which pretty much say exactly what the producers are saying and pretty accurately too, i might add. Just follow Chad's instructions.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you for this addition wolf. This works in youtube in general, there are built-in closed captioning options which you can enable. Also, as Seafight is a game across many countries and languages, it is simply not possible to make a video in a different language for each country represented by a language. Thus, they made the video in their home language, German.