Premium in chest

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ~Fanatique~, Jan 20, 2024.

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  1. ~Fanatique~

    ~Fanatique~ Forum Apprentice

    Hello there,

    At first i wanted to write this in ideas section but i think it's both a question and also a suggestion so i'll write it here.

    I don't know what is the actual percentage/odds to get the premium in chests but is it possible for you mods/admins to ask to the top of the pyramid to at least, double or increase by a lot the chance to get it ?

    I mean, i do chests as soon as i see them in normal maps plus just did like 5-7 el dorado maps in a row just tonight and still couldn't get it, even once. As far as i remember, it was not that rare before and it's being close to impossible to get it, if you guys can try something up there, i'd be thankful :)

    Good day
    The*Defiant and Bawdyn like this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ~Fanatique~!

    I can assure you that it is still possible to obtain the premium account from regular chests, unfortunately we do not know the exact "percentage" chance for this item.

    We will forward your feedback onto the appropriate party.

  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I agree that they have changed the chance at least 6 months ago. I used to get it just over once a week to keep me going plus build a couple of months extra. In the last 6 months, I've only got it maybe 3 times. If anything I collect more chests not less.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    The current chance of getting a prem chest is approx 1:1000

    no it really is...

    I do a lot of chests....
    And for the interested chest doubler 1:500-750
  5. ~Fanatique~

    ~Fanatique~ Forum Apprentice


    Yeah i know it's still there, somewhere but i used to get it regularly before, not that rare, i do have more super plates, repairman, priest and chest x2 multiplier and gems more often, zero premium lol.

    Apparentely, from what i can see here, i'm not the only one that figured out the premium has kind of disappeared and got decreased chances to get it.

    I don't know what happens when you transfer the informations to the bosses up there, but if you already got an answer for it, can you please tell us what they say here ? Or will it be only through official announcements ? Thanks in advance
  6. blackhawk562

    blackhawk562 Forum Greenhorn

    yes you are right.i had 16 months worth of premium now i have just 4 months of premium left and i collect alot of chestslol.So yes i would say there is something amiss.
  7. Kuiil

    Kuiil Forum Apprentice

    Big Point giveth, Big Point taketh it away (even faster)
  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I've played for almost 15 years straight (sad to say). I assure you that they did drastically lower the probability percentage. I also had a lot of premium; now, I rarely get it in a chest. And my time devoted to daily playing is unchanged.

    Quite some time back, I noticed that they changed the premium purchase price to "$3.99/month". Previously, it was available for purchase for either 6-months or a year at a time. I don't doubt someone noticed, changed it up, and made it where players have to buy premium now. And that's what I have to do now to keep it.
    Bawdyn and m0zilla like this.
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I can assure you that finding premium within the chests is still possible, no changes were made to the chance.

    If any changes to the chest loot would take place then you should find it within the Patchday Notes / Official Announcements thread.

    I will however forward your feedback regarding the premium.

    Since this query has been answered, and to prevent this thread from becoming a discussion I shall close it.


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