Premium in Treasure Chests.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by The*Defiant, Jan 22, 2024.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    My feedback on a topic that makes me extremely angry: I really, really, really wish that our forum moderator Rymar would stop outright lying to us on this topic. (And there are others, too). I realize he drinks the company "Kool-Aid", but enough is enough!

    I hate to say it in this manner, but it is true. I have played many years and had enough premium built-up to not need to buy it. Now I do have to buy it. My playing time has not decreased. Other players have noted the difficulty in getting premium in chests. The percentage has changed. There is no other logical explanation. I am certain of this. Until now, I have kept silent regarding my irritation with reading his consistent lies about this. He needs to stop lying to the players. It is insulting and misleading, and **we** are the ones who spend money on this game - not him.

    Please forward my feedback to the appropriate parties, Rymar. Thank you. And please stop lying.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I am providing you with the information that we, moderators, have.

    Please be aware that I am simply working as a bridge between the Team and Community.

    We forward ALL of your feedback regarding your ideas, events, suggestions - everything.

    As previously stated, there were no changes to the amount / percentage chance of the premium account available within the chests.

    If you believe this is not true, please contact Support and make a complaint.

    Thank you.


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