
Discussion in 'Help' started by -MommaDewks-, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

    so did bp forget to put the present back on the water no one has any points and we cant find it
  2. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

    forgot usa west
  3. kullehh

    kullehh Someday Author

    yeah i been searching for gift over 3 hours plus yesterday 3 gifts were missing , the only one available was 17-20 gift
  4. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

    well i see what a waste of time it is to put anything in here you did nothing not even respond but for the others who have view it the gifts came on at restart
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I apologise for the delay in posting however there have been some technical difficulties with the new forum.

    We are aware of the issues with the present part of the event and are working on resolving this
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