Bug Preset Selection Changing on Its Own

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, May 1, 2018.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    I've noticed the last few days that my presets change without me changing them. I don't mean that what is in the preset changes, I mean that the selected preset changes. I have three (3) presets. I think I know some of the things that are triggering them changing, but sometimes it just seems random.

    Here are a few of them. None of these happen every time, but its often enough to be really annoying:

    - Often when returning to the sea after being sunk the third preset is selected even if I was in one of the other two when I was sunk. This one has been happening the longest, its been a couple of weeks at least.
    - I'll be in one preset while repairing, then once I stop repairing the preset changes, again most often to the third one, but not always.
    - I'll be in the first preset, change it just prior to shooting and NCP to the second one, then fire on the NCP only to see that I'm back on the first one. I know that if you try to change presets while shooting/being shot then it will immediately revert back. This isn't that, I have changed the preset before I start to shoot.
    - Sometimes changing maps I'll be in a different preset after the map change.
    - Sometimes using the arrow keys to pan around the map will make the preset change.
    - Sometimes it just changes without me noticing what I might have done to trigger it.

    Is this happening to anyone else or just me? If its a bug, can it be sent up the chain to get it fixed? Thanks.

    EDIT: I have the Favorites open and I select the presets there. That's how I can see what preset is selected and when it changes.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    At least some of the issues you have listed have likely at some point been down to where your mouse is focused. By this I mean that at times the dropdown menu of the Favourites menu has the focus of your keyboard and just like when you use a dropdown menu on a normal website, pressing the arrow keys or letters will cycle through the choices. An example of this is shown below.


    I shall however, forward this so that it can be looked into further.

  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    I think you may have identified why it sometimes changes, but not all of them. I do use the PgDn key to toggle repairing, so that would explain why the third one gets selected when I manually stop repairing. It might even explain some of the changes right after I have made a change (arrow keys).

    However, the almost always coming back from being sunk in the third one and it changing during a map change don't seem to fit this explanation.

    Is there a way to change the selected preset with a hotkey? That would help me avoid the 'focus' issue and would stop most of the most annoying times it changes on me.

  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Unfortunately there is no way to change the Preset with a hotkey, just the ways we have already discussed.

  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Thanks. Can you leave this open for a bit while I test out your theory. I'll make sure I click somewhere else after changing my preset to take the focus away from it and see if that eliminates some (hopefully all) of these problems I listed. I'll report back here on my results.
  6. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    also sometimes if your switching ,if you switch on a lag interval it will switch back, and as part of swifts response, if you change presets then dont click anywhere, or use scroll wheel. try to not have your chat window overlap any part of favorites.
  7. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    @Swift , I've determined that I need to click on the sea to change the focus 100% of the time. Clicking on the empty sections of the page (ie not sea or chat or favs, etc) doesn't do it. Clicking on a tool (like changing ammo) doesn't seem to do it every time, not sure why. This has reduced the number of preset changes, but it still happens. The one that now happens every time, is after returning from being sunk, I am always in my third one.

    @minigravey , the lag could very well explain some of them. I'll try to pay more attention to see if that factors in. All of my windows are separated, none overlap with any other and all elements and windows are outside of the sea section. Chat is completely away from Favorites on the other side of the screen. So, in my case, this isn't likely a cause, but its good to know for others having this problem. :)
  8. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Thank you for the follow up information. I shall forward this thread so that it can be looked into.

    As there is no further help that can be provided on the forum, this thread shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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