problem with new pet? 8519 & 10662

Discussion in 'Help' started by KAHNVICT, Feb 28, 2014.

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    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    for some reason after getting the new pet and getting 5% damage from virgo earlier today I am now only hitting 8,519 on regular hits and only 10,662 on criticals.
    (using hollows and gunpowder) (every hit is either 8,519 or 10,622)

    on top of that I was already hitting 8,500+ before getting the new pet and before the +5% damage from virgo...

    Whats going on?

    please check this out
    Global America 1
  2. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    You have the polished muzzle already? If yes, The new pet won't have much effect until it expires

    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    ok so if I already have polished muzzles the new pets ability of +5% hit will will be treated kinda like the hailstorms then?

    (either one or the other but not both at the same time)

    let me know when you can.
    thanks ahead of time.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This is correct m8.

    Has this helped answer your question?

    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    thanks for the info.

    would have been nice to know before having gotten the pet I would've just made another 250 cursed souls and got the skin instead.

    I guess my new pets heart will continue to be broken until I no longer have my polished muzzles and I can actually use it.

  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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