Problems of Seafight in events

Discussion in 'Help' started by Ernest, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. Ernest

    Ernest Forum Greenhorn

    I can't log in my ship in the Idk why. others can but I can't. I tried to log in to another laptop of mine with the same IP address but still can't. Sometimes it can't go to sea because it's stuck at 49%. Sometimes it's very lag even though my speed is 2mbps. Seafight Server Asia has many problems that you haven't solved yet. That's why we can't enjoy it because the bugs/problems overcome the enjoyment of the game. Please fix all of it before making another event.
    Server Asia
  2. .Imagine.

    .Imagine. Junior Expert

    wile u r on home page look up ,top left corner,safety,delete browsing history,it helped me get back on sea chart when I couldn't get past 49% log in
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Make sure that you only have one version of flash active. Two versions can conflict and cause issues with logging in.
  4. Ernest

    Ernest Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, I use Mozilla Firefox which in case has only one flash active unlike Chrome.. Sometimes I can get in but sometimes I can't
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Make sure the version of flash you have running is the flash plugin not flash activeX. That will make a big difference. Thank you.
  6. -KillerKen-

    -KillerKen- Active Author

    Nimitz the firefox browser DOES NOT use activeX at all. The only browser i know of that uses that flash player is Internet Explorer. Firefox uses Shockwave flash exclusively.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

  8. -KillerKen-

    -KillerKen- Active Author

    Yes Nimitz I did misread part of what you said and I apologize. At the same time I also got the name of the plugin for firefox wrong but it still only uses the one exclusively, there is no option to change it. Chrome and Opera are the only 2 that give you more than one to choose from.

    - I have misread posts too, all good :)- Nimitz
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 23, 2014
  9. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I have asked about this in behalf of many players that are experiencing issues such as these.
    The answer that I am getting is to continue to clear cookies and cache on a regular basis, I use firefox and have it set to auto clear each time I close my browser, and I can state that I rarely have any problems logging onto the seachart.

    While I realise that players state that they do this often, I am being told that this really does help.

    I know it's not the best answer in the world, but when the CCT team check, they can get on your account without issue, and therefore state that this problem is not on their side.
  10. pricemc

    pricemc Forum Apprentice

    also try right clicking the sea chart window when it comes up and clicking settings. then adjust your allowed storage for the flash player to a much higher allowed amount. I did this and my lagging and troubles logging in seemed to be cut in half. it may be a coincidence but i think it helped.
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for the added information. However as there is nothing further that can be added to this, I will close this thread.

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