Quest History

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by The*Defiant, Mar 15, 2024.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I played all day yesterday and completed all of the available event quests. Today, I wanted to review a quest from yesterday (I think the rewards may have been reduced). However, I just found that while I *cannot* access all of the quests I did yesterday, I *can* access quests I completed **over 10 years ago** (which is nuts)! What is the logic here? (Please see below).


    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    History display all quests (without the dailies as these reset), so what's the issue?

  3. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    1. Where are the Atlantis quests I did yesterday?

    2. Are you saying this list is **complete** with every quest I ever did (except for the daily quests that reset)?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Quests completed by you should be at the top, as stated previously Daily quests do not display after the quest reset time.

    Yes, this list should contain all quests completed by you.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I started in July of 2009. (I still have my first Seafight email). But my quest history only goes back to October of 2012. So I guess it isn't complete. But you answered my questions. Thank you - you may close this thread.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I shall close this thread.


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