Announcement Question's for Devs

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Rymar, Dec 7, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Question's for Devs

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Let’s try something new!

    Here is the questionnaire, where a player can leave a question to devs

    We will read them all and choose 10 to answer.

    The questionnaire will be open until Tuesday. After that it will be closed until next time.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Question's and Answers

    1. Do you plan on bringing back the old NPCs? I think it would have a successful response.

    Which NPCs exactly? Might be an interesting idea for a Retro-Event like we did for Sins of our Fathers

    2. Flares,explozive( normal elite ammo ) give 100% elite points special ammo pumkin/confetti/cristal explozive give 200% elite points. Why depth charge ammo with is mostly for money only and have double cooldown time not give 400% elp atleast ???

    Interesting idea – even though the Depth Charge already have their purpose, we might want to discuss the option to have an ELP focused ammo/ torpedo.

    3. I would like for there to be more PvP-based events! I can't remember the names of them all but i liked the Jackpot event and the one where you could win in-game rewards from PvPing!

    Atlantis MS3 (Submarines vs Ships) and especially MS4 will be all about Submarines and PvP – let’s see what this might bring

    4. Dear Staff, we have waited a long time for the abyss of Atlantis imagining the most unthinkable things. But since his release, I was honestly a little disappointed! My question is: as Atlandis was programmed, apart from the crowns and pearls, there is no connection between the Surface and the Abyss thus creating two distinct and separate games joined only by the same client. Are you thinking of creating a link and / or giving us pirates a way to obtain resources to use in both worlds? Do you plan to put more events / news in the Abyss so it doesn't seem so boring?

    See previous answer (3.)

    5. Are Bigpoint working on to remove the autoshoot back / auto target ? ( since we players were promis that Bigpoint would be cruel as ever before and yet we seen just 2 debuff after that promis soon 5 months ago)

    We are constantly working on the bot situation, although we know it might not seem like it at times. Unfortunately, we can’t divulge much information about what we are doing to combat these features (as the bot developers would know too). Since this question was submitted, we have done another debuff wave and we are planning to do another one in the near future.

    6. We want the cooldowns out of the game, i dont want to press 1 key and then 0,5 CD it makes game feel laggy, Also u need fix Payment racios, Portuguese romanian and Latam atm we pay way much more compared to germany france turkey hungary when u check economy base

    The Cooldown is required because bots sent so many requests to the server that it was literally dying… if users were not using bots that flood the server with requests, the need for the cooldown would not be so high and we could discuss reducing the CDs
    Pricing is not on the Game Team side but the Payment Department, but generally it is the normal reflection of the country's economy and a normal process for globally acting companies


    Continuously working on that! We’re hoping you have seen some improvements since the start of the Merge, we are changing things in the background that don’t affect gameplay, and somethings which do – for example the cooldown on Brothers in Arms and the change to the Genie Quests, which we have identified as contributing to the issue. We know there is more work to do, but we want a smooth-running game just like you, and will continue to work on this issue until its achieved!

    8. What is your plan for the future of the game? (more atlantis maps, new levels (50-55?)

    Atlantis will grow into a vital part of the game with synergetic effects on events – however, this does not rule out the extension of the normal Seafight world above the water, which we shall also work on.
    9. Will you publish old seafight version?

    This is not planned right now.

    10. I want you to write a legal boat program :D

    Please don’t.