Quests: Level 30 - 31

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Mar 1, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 30 - 31

    Block and Tackle

    Start At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    Defeat 10 HRMS Renown II

    Where to find!?

    HRMS Renown II found in maps 24/1, 25/1, 26/1, 26/2, 27/1 and 27/2


    Time is wasting, and you’re wasting it. You seem to be dumbfounded and look at me as if you have no idea of what you should be doing. I would expect that of someone of your standing, but I did ask for someone with a modicum of intelligence. This damned civil war in the Commonwealth is affecting my work. Sort things out!

    End At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    1,000 Pearls

    Prince and Proof

    Start At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    Inflict at least 1 000 000 damage against the VCM Auricomous NPC

    Where to find!?

    VCM Auricomous found in the maps 29/1 and 30/1


    Don’t come back with your chest puffed up like a robin. You performed
    adequately, if that. I have many others who can do things faster, but

    they’re doing important work. There are rumors about the Prince Regent and his connections, yet rumors are the work of fools. Board some of his ships so they think we may have the upper hand.

    End At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    1,000 Pearls


    Start At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    Defeat 10 Fuath

    Where to find!?

    Fuath found in the maps 22/1, 23/2, 28/2 and 29/1


    Time is of the essence now. Your actions have disturbed the Commonwealth forces, who will expect a strike at any moment. Therefore, we’ll not give them one. My friends are being bothered by some sea creatures and your efforts would be best done eliminating them. Then we can deal with something more substantial. By ‘we’ I mean you!

    End At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    1,000 Pearls

    Trials of the People

    Start At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    Defeat 10 VCM Bloodfang, or VCM Blizzard

    Where to find!?

    VCM Blizzard found in the maps 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
    VCM Bloodfang found in the maps 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20


    The problem with people like you is you’re random. Formless and generally politically ambiguous. You cause both me and the people problems, are you hero or villain, clever or foolish. Actually, let’s just say ‘a fool’. I have a sense of what is needed to help end this war, but tackle some of the Commonwealth first.

    End At: Mr. Smythe (SH-5)



    1,000 Pearls