Quests: Level 51 - 52

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jun 30, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 51 - 52

    Supply Lines

    Start At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 3 Wildwood Killer NPC

    Where to find!?

    Wildwood Killer NPC can be found on maps 51/1 and 52/1


    Nadim Latif has colled on us to aid him, yet the Sea Eagle and myself's sea forces are still to weak to actively help. Our ground forces are of much greater strenght to repel our enemies. Can you protect some Al-Mahareen supply ships so our friend can strengthen his force.

    End At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    10 Safanad

    Swords for Hire

    Start At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 1 Hunters Bane NPC
    Find 1 Sawfish Snout (drops from Hunters Bane NPC )

    Where to find!?

    Hunters Bane can be found on maps 50/3 and 51/1


    Much of what we have here to fight is sourced from the very seas themselves. Whilst that may seem foolish to you, the power of nature is something of wonder. Sawfish Swords are the basis of some of our finer weaponry and it is the Sea Eagles people who craft them best.

    End At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    10.000 Crowns

    True Sight

    Start At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Search 3 Shipwrecks
    Deliver 3 Sextants (drops from Wreck)

    Where to find!?

    Shipwrecks found on maps 45/2, 48/3, 50/2, 50/3, 51/1, 52/1, 53/1 and 54/1


    There are many secrets of our ancestors, stranger, and as you uncover them we see a pattern form. Some of the old documents you obtained talk of the Nautican Fleet that set sail. A combined force who shared knowledge. One of their devices was special Sextant and you should be able to retreve that from their wrecks.

    End At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    100 Yulong

    Important Vision

    Start At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Sail to 3 Coordinates (Map 51/1)
    Kill 9 Deepsea Snapper NPC

    Where to find!?

    Deepsea Snapper can be found on maps 51/1 and 52/1


    Ah, Captain. Yes, you deserve that name. It seems this Sextant and the other information you have gathered is more than little useful. If I read things right this leads to a certain set of monsters and the locations I have marked. Please prove this discovery is right.

    End At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    100 Orichalkum

    Fast and Frightening

    Start At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 1 Splinterwood Hunter NPC
    Find 1 Chip Log (drops from Splinterwood Hunter NPC)

    Where to find!?

    Splinterwood Hunter NPC can be found on maps 50/2 and 51/1


    One thing that has caused us issues is definition of exactly how fast the Splinteskull ships are. Many ships carr ya Chip Log, as set of knots which defines the speed. If you gain us one of these, we can more closely predict their speed and therefore attacks.

    End At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    10 Safand

    A Fine Resource

    Start At: Erendira Sepero(SH-48/3)


    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 1 Carnassius Rex NPC
    Find 5 Monster Tooth (drops from Carnassius Rex NPC)

    Where to find!?

    Carnassius Rex can be found on maps 50/3 and 51/1


    The monster teeth you discovered before are a fine resource for our people in more ways than one. Not only some form of power, but also to create a poultiuce which not only aids but also empowers our people. I would task you with gathering more for the Sea Eagle.

    End At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    2.000 Yulong

    Drive them Back

    Start At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png

    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Search 5 shipwrecks
    Kill 7 A Thousand Tales NPC

    Where to find!?

    A Thousand Tales can be found on maps 50/3 and 51/1.


    Whilist Erendire may call you Captain, I feel the mystery and power of your remaining a stronger is better for me. As if one knows one too closely, should they be lost, their loss is more greatly felt. This may change, but until that point, please continue as the more you undertake, the more of our history is revealed.

    End At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4,800,000 Experience Points
    200 Safanad

    Another Gift

    Start At: Sea Eagle(SH-48/3)


    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 1 Hunters Bane NPC
    Find 1 Swordfish sword (drops from Hunters Bane NPC)

    Where to find!?

    Hunters Bane NPC can be found on maps 50/3 and 51/1


    As Nadim's forces are often out of resources it seems, it would possibly be good to supply him and example of the natural resources which are abundant in these isles. Gather one of those resources and pass it to him. If he understands the value, then he is most likely one that will survive.

    End At: Nadim Latif(SH-48/3)



    4,800,000 Experience Points
    10.000 Crowns

    Rogue Traders

    Start At: Nadim Latif(SH-48/3)


    Visible Condition:

    Level 51


    Kill 7 Battlemaw NPC

    Where to find!?

    Battlemaw can be found in maps 48/3 and 50/2


    An interesting bone structure to be sure, but I don't know if I really understand Sea Eagles meaning here. No matter, there are more urgent tasks at hand. It appears some of my comrades have taken the opportunity to strip this region for themselves and that will never do. I give you the authority to sink them.

    End At: Nadim Latif(SH-48/3)



    4,800,000 Experience Points
    100.000 Pearls
    1 Ship Design