Quests: Level 56 - 57

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 18, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 56 - 57

    Leathery Beasts

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Defeat 20 Shipwreck
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find!?

    Shipwreck can be found on maps 55/1, 55/2, 56/1, 56/2, 57/1, 58/1, 59/1 and 60/1


    A new person has arrived on our shores. She says that she knows you, but I will trust your own opinion on that fact. Sail out and explore the shipwrecks where she has stationed herself and assure yourself she is not to blame.

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    Where Dragons Roam

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Inclict at least 1 000 000 damage to the NPC Kalytron (wounded)
    Collect 5 Dragon Amulet and return to Erendira Sepero
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find?!

    Kalytron (wounded) can be found on maps between 55/1 and 60/1 at random times


    Ah, I remember you. You helped distract the great dragon Kalytron from its destructive reign. I felt we would meet again, in order to take the battle to the dragon itself, but when I returned, I found some of this archipelago untouched by the fiery breath. I have no quarrel with the people here, but they should know that dragon-kind are coming.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 500 Safanad Coin


    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Mister Smythe
    Return to the quest-giver Mister Smythe

    Where to find!?

    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    I have rarely seen a beast of this kind in the archipelago, yet now you lay the remains in front of me and I see it is merely the young of a greater beast. Apart from you, there is only one I trust from your regions. I would hear what Smythe has to say?

    End At: Mister Smythe (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 600 Safanad Coin

    Sense of Time

    Start At: Mister Smythe (SH-12)



    Inflict at least 800 000 damage to NPC Spliterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero
    Time: 15 minutes

    Where to find!?

    Spliterskull Destroyer can be found in 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found in 50/2 and 51/1


    I'm not sure that I like this place. There is an odd sense of time about it, and the magic tastes of... Let me just say it tastes familiar. Time is of the essence here, Captain. Let me analyse how quickly you can kill certain enemies, and then I will start to make my assumptions.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 700 Safanad Coin

    Warn the Wise

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Defeat 15 Grand Illusions, Beast of the Sea, Vizier's Pride
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Grand Illusions, Beast of the Sea, Vizier's Pride can be found in 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1


    I do not like the words you bring me. They reek of chaotic forces at play, and not the order I seek to maintain. It is essential that Sea Eagle knows that the world is not as clear as it was. We must get to the bottom of this.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    95 000 Crowns

    Past Context

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Collect 6 Dragon Orb and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Dragon Orb can be obtained from Black-Hearted Brigand Splinterskull Cruiser and Splinterskull Warship


    Now I peer more deeply into the ever-changing forces of nature, I see the things you have spoken of. The magic which appears to be at work. Whilst I do not wish to use them again, I require a Star Pendant to continue.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 600 Safanad Coin

    The Energy Flows

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Inflict at least 720 000 damage to the NP Splinterskull Cruiser
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find!?

    Splinterskull Cruiser can be found in map 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1


    I bring the pendant to the map you obtained before and we see how the energy flows between them. They are one and the same, and therefore the work of Nadim Latif. Could he be so obsessed with power that he seeks to draw it from nature itself?

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 750 Safanad Coin

    Splinterskull Surgery

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Defeat 3 Splinterkull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Collect 5 Dragon Amulet and return to Erendira Sepero
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find!?

    Splinterkull Destroyer can be found in map 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found in map 50/2 and 51/1


    If Sea Eagle is right, then we need to send a message out to Latif's forces. One which very clearly tells them to stop their meddling. Whilst I do not feel these initial actions will halt them, let's see what they can stand.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 100 Safanad Coin

    Portents of the Future

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    If we assume that what we see are merely portents of a future that will slowly worsen, it is essential we stop its progress. The dragon you killed. Do so again and take the scales to Sea Eagle. He may be able to discern more from them.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 150 Safanad Coin

    Power of the Dragon

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Inflict at least 1 000 000 damage to the NPC Kalytron (wounded)
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!

    Kalytron (wounded) can be found on maps between 55/1 and 60/1 at random times


    When I hold these scales in one hand and an item from my childhood in another, they repel each other. Like the opposing poles of a magnet. Please seek out the one who knows about the scales more clearly, and find out if we can capture their power?

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    500 Orichalkum

    Internal Fire

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Collect 1 Dragon Bind and return to Killian Drake
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!

    Dragon Bind can be obtained from both Kalytron (wounded) and Kalytron (heavily wounded)


    Well, it seems that someone or something has used the power of dragons to pull our two worlds together, and now you ask if we can capture the energy of the beast itself. All things being equal, I would say not, but on this new world, perhaps there is a possibility?

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin
    1 Dragon Bind