Quests: Level 58 - 59

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 21, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 58 - 59

    The Clock Stopped

    Start At: Mister Smythe (SH-12)



    Defeat 15 HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    HMS Conqueror can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Monarch can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Resolution can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1


    For a moment there my fob-watch stopped. A true disturbance in the forces about this place. We need to clear away those who wish to pry, and deal with Nadim Latif as soon as possible. Your first job is to rid us of Grey and his Lock-Key accomplices.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 800 Safanad Coin

    First Impressions

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Inflict at least 250 000 damage to the NPC Splinterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Collect 5 Lock Key Paperwork and return to Sea Eagle
    Collect 10 Dragon Amulet and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    Splinterskull Destroyer can be found on 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found on 51/1 and 50/2
    Lock Key Paperwork can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution
    Dragon Amulet can be obtained from Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes daily quest


    Anyone who looks down their nose at me and calls me 'native' has no sense of my place or community here. If they were so bothered about us in the past, why is it you who discovered and befriended us. I agree with Smythe, there are two 'others' that can be removed. Commonwealth and Splinterskulls.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    Mirror Image

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Collect 5 Cryptic Cipher and return to Erendira Sepero
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find?!?

    Cryptic Cipher can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog


    I think I understand the true nature of what is going on here. The cipher. It was created at the crux of the two realities and then, when it was brought together, it needed both sides to be able to understand it. If there was one who walked that tightrope between the worlds, perhaps they could decode it.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 150 Safanad Coin

    On Both Sides

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Defeat 20 HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find?!?

    HMS Lion can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Conqueror can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Monarch can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Resolution can be found on 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1


    I hear what Sea Eagle tells us, but I do not know if there is anyone who has been on both sides I know or can trust. Is it you? It cannot be, as you are here, but perhaps Killian is the one. Whoever it is, the Commonwealth cannot have access to this power.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    100 Devastator Cannon Level 4

    Native Gift

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Collect 5 Monstrous Eye and return to Mortimer Grey
    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Mortimer Grey
    Return to the quest-giver Mortimer Grey

    Where to find?!?

    Monstrous Eye can be obtained from Long-Necked Brute and Armored Fiend
    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    If Grey wants to see how powerful we 'natives' are then let us show him. Go gather scales, eyes and other beastly trophies so he knows that this place is unwelcome to him and his people.

    End At: Mortimer Grey (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    100 500 Crowns

    Cost of Living

    Start At: Mortimer Grey (SH-12)



    Defeat 3 Splinterskull Frigate
    Return to the quest-giver Mortimer Grey

    Where to find?!?

    Splinterskull Frigate can be found on 57/1 and 58/1


    Your threats go unheeded, Captain. The value of this place and its people, once we have stripped it bare, is unmeasurably more valuable than any fear my people have. We will fight tooth and nail for what is rightfully ours.

    End At: Mortimer Grey (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 800 Safanad Coin

    We'll be Back

    Start At: Mortimer Grey (SH-12)



    Collect 17 Dragon Amulet and return to Erendira Sepero
    Use 1 Treasure Ship
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find?!

    Treasure Ship action item can be obtained form Kalytron (wounded) and Kalytron (heavily wounded)


    Damn you Captain! You destroy our base of operations as if it was nothing and leave us with problems. Be assured, I will be back with other ships to obliterate the forces here and show your friends what a true fleet can do.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 200 Safanad Coin

    1 Dragon Bind

    Brave and Bold

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Sea Eagle
    Collect 5 Monstrous Eye and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    Monstrous Eye can be obtained from Long-Necked Brute and Armored Fiend
    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    You are as brave and bold as our people, Captain. A survivor and friend we can happily live with and give a home to here. Both Sea Eagle and I have thought about what may come and wish you to stay as long as you feel is possible. Plus, we may have a surprise.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 500 Safanad Coin

    Attack and Defence

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    It appears twhen these items are gathered, Captain, they provide a burst of energy that can be used to attack, and a light material which enhances defence. I cannot quite control these two aspects yet, but I am onb the verge of a fresh discovery.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 250 Safanad Coin

    Full Power

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Collect 4 Monstrous Eye and return to Sea Eagle
    Collect 5 Serpent Scales and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    Monstrous Eye can be obtained from Long-Necked Brute and Armored Fiend
    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution


    I need many resources for my experiments with nature, and each time I use these itesm together, the ingredients are lost. You can help me gather more, if you would.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    1 Dragon Amulet