Quests: Level 59 - 60

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 22, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 59 - 60
    The Truth

    Start At: Princess Zahra (SH-12)



    Inflict at least 200 000 damage to the NPC Black Hearted Brigand
    Use 15 Dragonfire Level 2
    Collect 25 Dragon Amulet and return to Princess Zahra
    Return to the quest-giver Princess Zahra

    Where to find?!?

    Dragon Amulet can be obtained as a reward from some daily quests
    Black Hearted Brigand can be found on map 55/1, 55/2, 56/1, 56/2, 57/1, 58/1, 59/1 and 60/1


    Captain. Affairs of state have caused me to be absent from the affairs of my people and in my absence ships of my fleet have been used in offensive actions. This was not my intention for my people or that place, but now I need your help to investigate who the Black-Hearted Brigand could be.

    End At: Princess Zahra (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 500 Safanad Coin

    The Ancient Ones

    Start At: Princess Zahra (SH-12)



    Defeat 15 Shipwrecks
    Inflict at least 750 000 damage to the NPC Splinterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!?

    Splinterskull Destroyer can be found on map 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found on map 50/2 and 51/1
    Shipwreck can be found on map 55/1, 55/2, 56/1, 56/2, 57/1, 58/1, 59/1 and 60/1


    Something here is of the ancient ones that were at the heart of my peoples' beliefs and their power was linked to the appearance of dragons. Now you say there are dragon hunters, as there used to be. I must learn more.

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 600 Safanad Coin

    Get Outta Here

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Defeat 10 Draconis
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!?

    Draconis can be found on raid map Kalytron's Retreat


    A princess? A real one? Seeks knowledge from me. Well, that's something from the bucket list ticked off. She's not been singed to death by dragons already, has she? I think I know what she wants, but we have to draw it out.

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 700 Safanad Coin

    The Confluence of Stars

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Collect 10 Dragons Orb and return to Killian Drake
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!?

    Dragon's Orb can be obtained as an additional loot from new region admirals


    Before the dragons came upon my world, and destroyed everything, our people worshipped them in a place called the Confluence of Stars. I have heard you mention Star Pendants. I would like to see one.

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    95 000 Crowns

    Control Centre

    Start At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    Collect 25 Dragon Amulet and return to Alexandros Draconis
    Inflict at least 500 000 damage to the NPC Draconis
    Return to the quest-giver Alexandros Draconis

    Where to find?!?

    Dragon Amulet can be obtained as a reward for some daily quests
    Draconis can be found on the new raid map Kalytron's Retreat


    This Star Pendant. It draws on the Confluence of Stars. How can an item draw on the power of a place that no longer exists. I need to understand more, and whilst he trains as a dragon hunter, Alexandros may understand more.

    End At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 600 Safanad

    In the Maelstrom

    Start At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    Collect 6 Dragons Orb and return to Alexandros Draconis
    Collect 4 Serpent Scales and return to Alexandros Draconis
    Collect 5 Monstrous Eye and return to Alexandros Draconis
    Return to the quest-giver Alexandros Draconis

    Where to find?!?

    Dragons Orb can be obtained as an additional loot from new region admirals
    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution
    Monstrous Eye can be obtained from Archipelago Horror and Long-Necked Brute


    Captain, I would that I could continue slaying dragons, as my title now suggests. But you have been reasonable to me, so I can to you. This world has been plagued by monsters since the Maelstrom, yet now, on this evidence and the reappearance of Vashtak, could it be this world is something more.

    End At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 750 Safanad Coin

    Splitered Worlds

    Start At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    Defeat 15 Grand Illusions, Beast of the Sea, Vizier's Pride
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!?

    Grand Illusions can be found on map 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Beast of the Sea can be found on map 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Vizier's Pride can be found on map 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1


    Yes. Now I see these things before me, I see they all appear to have an origin in the same place, but when the Maelstrom shattered oujr world, it pushed these different energies to the four corners of the ocean. To draw them back together... Well, that would be another maelstrom!

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 100 Safanad Coin

    Arrested Development

    Start At: Kilian Drake (SH-12)



    Defeat 10 Kalytron (heavily wounded), Draconis
    Return to the quest-giver Kilian Drake

    Where to find?!?

    Kalytron (heavily wounded) can be found on the new raid map Kalytron's Retreat
    Draconis can be found on the new raid map Kalytron's Retreat


    The Maelstrom Alexandros mentions is oft called the Cataclysm where I hail from. It tore the ancient race from the skies and flung them to the ground, before the world split and the first great dragons flowed forth into our world. This cannot be allowed to happen here. It must be stopped

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    What we have Present

    Start At: Kilian Drake (SH-12)



    Defeat 25 HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch
    Inflict at least 300 000 damage to the NPC Splinterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    HMS Lion can be found at 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Conqueror can be found at 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Monarch can be found at 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    Splinterskull Destroyer can be found at 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found at 50/2 and 51/1


    Your friend, the Sea Eagle, understands something of the nature of this planet and I know one who also has that strength. Yet, he is as far from us now, as you are close. I have sent the call out for his presence. Until then we will just have to suppress the forces with what we have present.

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    4 000 Safanad Coin

    Worlds Combined

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Defeat 3 Splinterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Inflict at least 250 000 damage to NPC Grand Illusions
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find?!?

    Grand Illusions can be found at 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Splinterskull Destroyer can be found at 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found at 50/2 and 51/1


    Let us combine our forces and powers together. A force to fight the pure chaos of the maelstrom and provide a strong basis for a future which encompasses all of us who care for the planet’s future.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin