Radiant npc

Discussion in 'Help' started by ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠, May 16, 2014.

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  1. ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠

    ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠ Junior Expert

    what happened to the npc that carry 3 million hp and gave radiant souls i don't see them no more...
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    I have to be honest, i think they reduced them in the restart.
    Also i think there only on specific maps, sometimes you go a map and find like hundreds of snappies
    Other maps = Virtually none.
    Before restart i found about 5 or 6 in 20mins, now in 3 hours = 1.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    They are out there, you just need to keep a weather eye out, they are tough to find.
  4. ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠

    ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠ Junior Expert

    why did you guys ruined the event nimitz ? it was fine before the restart...
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    How the event is run is set by the dev team, we can pass on your thoughts to them, but we (the mods) do not have any control over how the event operates unfortunately.
  6. ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠

    ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠ Junior Expert

    i been searching one for 2 hours [Edit] how are we supposed to get radiant souls ? are we suppose to buy them ?
    Last edited by moderator: May 16, 2014
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You have been given a warning for inappropriate language. Please keep it clean on the forum. The turtles are out there, you will need to look. Also, if the largest turtle has enough damage done against it, the spawn rates will increase. This is part of the event. So, over the days if your server bands together to hit the turtles, you can get better spawn rates.
  8. ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠

    ☠ℌ€ℓℓǾ☠ Junior Expert

    the largest turtle has a little bit more than 3 billion hit points done to it , and i still don't see any eggs or npc with 3 million hp
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The turtles are out there, you will just need to keep looking.

    As there is nothing further to add this thread will be closed.

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