Radiant souls

Discussion in 'Help' started by KAHNVICT, Jul 24, 2014.

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    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    there are a few items in the black market that cost only cursed souls
    will there be anything at all added to the black market that cost only radiant souls?

    this seems to happen every time there is an event and people always get stuck getting whatever the devs decide to give for the leftover souls at the end of the event which is almost always never told what it is going to be until near the end of the event...

    you give people a choice on how to spend the cursed souls ...

    you should also give them a choice on how to spend the radiant souls...

    BOATSйHOES likes this.
  2. reapertje

    reapertje Forum Apprentice

    so true
  3. Put both designs back in the market, extend the event and add amulets and tritons for souls! Do it!
  4. Iceman6957

    Iceman6957 Someday Author

    crystals for souls please
  5. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    All are excellent suggestions. Please post them in the ideas thread so the appropriate staff can review.

    As for the original question, the is nothing currently announced to be added to the black market that can be purchased with only radiant souls.

    To avoid further hijacking of this thread I will close.

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