Raiding Parties

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Sep 3, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Raiding Parties

    The event starts at
    12 noon on Wednesday, 4th September and ends at 12 noon on Monday, 9th September.

    All times are local server times.

    The Raiding Parties event features the following:

    • 3 event ships (1 normal, 2 admirals)
    • Event chests, Shipwrecks
    • 1 ranking
    • 4 daily event quests, 1 secret quest
    • Event black market (in the in-game shop)
    General Info

    The Raiding Parties event is a small shoot event where you can hunt three event ships, Raid Member, Raid Leader and Raid Admiral, on the maps 5 - 60.

    The Raid Leader is an admiral ship and spawns after a certain number of Raid Member have been sunken, and the Raid Admiral spawns after Raid Members and Raid Leaders have been sunk.

    Against all event ships you need to use elite ammunition.

    • Raid Member:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP points, Pearls, Crowns, Safanad, Orichalkum, Crystals or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who has inflicted the most damage receives one Crystal, Kraken Poison ammunitions or Toxic Torpedoes.
    • Raid Leader:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, at least 2%, you are rewarded with EXP, Crystals, Crowns, Safanad, Orichalkum or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage has a chance to gain a Pearls, Kraken Poison Ammo, Taurus Bonus Map, an Expansion box, or the Design Remastered Specter (Fallback : Bastion Lv 4, Overlord Lv 2, Simbi Amulet, Crystal or Super Armor Plates).
      • The player who gives the last short will get Kraken Poison Ammunitions or Toxic Torpedoes
    • Raid Admiral:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, at least 2%, you are rewarded with EXP, Safanad, Orichalkum, Crystals or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage has a chance to gain Crystals. Kraken Poison Ammunitions, Taurus Bonus Map, an Expansion box, Bastion lv 4, Overlord lv 2, Toxic Torpedoes or the Design Remastered Specter (Fallback : Bastion Lv 4, Overlord Lv 2, Simbi Amulet, Crystal or Super Armor Plates).
      • The player who gives the last short will get Kraken Poison Ammunitions or Toxic Torpedoes

    Kraken Poison ammunition and Toxic Torpedoes cause more damage against the event ships and subs.

    Event Chests

    In the event chests you find many useful items, like Kraken Poison ammunitions, Simbi amulets, Dragonfires level 2, Elmo´s Fires, Teleportation, Asklepios Talent, Bloodlust, Mojos and many other useful items.

    Atlantis Event Treasure Chests

    In the event chests you find many useful items, like Toxic Torpedo, Simbi amulets, Taureau Amulet, Lion’s Fire, Elmo´s Fires, Teleportation, Rare Tools, Super Armor Plates, Carpenter lv 5, Amarax /Mombu / Mako lv 2 Blueprint, Mojos and many other useful items.


    In the Event Shipwreck you find many useful items, like Kraken Poison ammunitions, Simbi amulets, Overlord lv 2, Bastion lv 4, Dragonfire, Poseidon’s crown, Crystals, Damask Harpoons and many other useful items.

    Atlantis Shipwreck

    In the Atlantis Shipwreck you find many useful items, like Toxic Torpedoes, Super Armor Plates, Dragon Powder, Hailstorm, Crystals, Poseidon’s Crown, Uncommon Tools, Dragonfire, and many other useful items.


    Yes. There are 4 daily quests.

    The daily quests are reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    There will be one secret quest that will unlock after some requirements are met.


    Yes, this is the event ranking (at the end of the event) based on NPC Kills.

    1.8x Overlord Cannon Level 6
    3x Thunderbolt Cannon Level 1
    50x Poseidon’s Crown
    5d Jolly Roger Legacy
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    2.7x Overlord Cannon Level 6
    2x Thunderbolt Cannon Level 1
    30x Poseidon’s Crown
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    5d Queens Legacy
    3.6x Overlord Cannon Level 6
    1x Thunderbolt Cannon Level 1
    25x Poseidon’s Crown
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    3d Queens Legacy
    4. - 10.4x Overlord Cannon Level 6
    8x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    15x Poseidon’s Crown
    1x Taurus Bonus Map
    10x Simbi Amulet
    11. - 15.8x Overlord Cannon Level 5
    5x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    10x Dragonfire level 2
    3d Queens Legacy
    16. - 20.5x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    3x Overlord Cannon Level 5
    2d Queens Legacy
    5 Random15x Dragonfire Level 2
    15x Simbi Amulet
    1 Random1x Gemini Bonus Map
    1 Random5x Bastion Cannon Level 6

    Post Event Compensation

    The event keys will be exchanged for normal chest keys. The Enemy Plans will be exchanged for Safanad.