Raymar about the post "expansion setup for super tanky ship"

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Kzamanrazu, Jun 27, 2024 at 5:06 PM.

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  1. Kzamanrazu

    Kzamanrazu Forum Greenhorn

    about the post


    it was closed before i could respond and i deeply apologies, since i was given enough time before it was closed but due to lack of checking forums i couldnt give more info about my expansions.
    this post is about that reply lol
    i have 51 lvl5 reinforced ribs
    20 lvl4 ravens
    25 lvl3 ravens
    15 lvl4 ablative plantings
    can you give me an an detailed explanation for how to use them for pvp/pve defensive set up?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Kzamanrazu!

    It is hard to "set up" an account without having all data provided, however just by looking at what ship extensions you've got there are two options:


    In PvP I do recommend adding all Ablative Plating's on your ship (nothing else) and then spying your own statistics - dodge.

    Let say your dodge equal 50% and you have 2 mln HP (just an example), as you know every Dodge % gives you additional advantage.

    Try to add 5 Ravens and see how much % in dodge chance you've gained and how much HP you've lost.

    You need to find your golden ratio so to say - in my opinion dodge between 90 - 94% should be fine for PvP.

    Dodge can be improved by many factors like for example: Crew members, Castles, Skills, Gems on a pet, gems on a ship, extensions (mixing).


    Full Ribs - nothing else even if you have free slots.

    If you were to use 15 Ablative Plating's Level 4 that would be +14.25% damage prevention (note 15 Ablative Plating's are taking 300 expansion slots).

    If you were to set full ribs you would get full bonus of damage prevention (20%) + HP/VP for every rib you add (note 300 expansion slots - which is same as for 15 Ablative Plating's - would allow you to set up 20 Ribs.

    However in this particular event Dodge Chance play a major role when it comes to decreasing the damage obtained from NPCs - so I would put all ravens level 4 + 3 and fill the rest slots with Ablative Plating's for a bit of additional damage prevention.

    Note: All of the information provided by me regarding the subject "how to set my ship" are purely my own ideas / experiences. I do play with such presets mentioned above however my game style may be completely different from yours - please keep that in mind.

    Hope that helps! Happy Sailing!

    Kzamanrazu likes this.
  3. Kzamanrazu

    Kzamanrazu Forum Greenhorn

    can you state what data you need, so i can provide for it for the set up tho?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Well, everything can be taken under consideration, gems, castle, skills, trophies, buffs etc.

    It would be best if you did spy yourself and see your own statistics, then remove 1 item add another and see what changed.

    That's the only option to be honest.

  5. Kzamanrazu

    Kzamanrazu Forum Greenhorn

    i see, thanks for your time.