Rebalancing - test 25-26 Castle Crashers

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by lude1962, Nov 7, 2023.

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  1. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    The test , damage to keel haulers.
    They have increased tower damage to fleets, fleet dies before damage can be done.
    Example sent top fleet for 450k crowns, sent to low level island with only lvl 4 towers.
    By the time i had teleported to the island only managed to get 2 mil damage.
    So 100 mil dmg required at 2m dmg a time = 50 'attacks'.
    50 x 450k crowns = 22.5m crowns
    So will take years to complete.

    This suggestion was denied on discord by 'Admin' as always no explanation!
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 7, 2023
    Bawdyn likes this.
  2. LadyOfTheSea

    LadyOfTheSea Forum Apprentice


    [Please use English language.]
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 7, 2023
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy lude1962!

    Your feedback has been noted and will be forwarded onto the appropriate team.

    Your suggestion was most likely deleted because such idea was already mentioned within the discord room.

  4. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    I have to agree that this test has always been hard to achieve, even before the recent changes.
    old_chocoflakez likes this.
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