
Discussion in 'Help' started by crazy-diamond, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    I have noticed that some players have been complaining that they have purchased rebate yet cannot buy event items with pearls and are asking for compensation.
    I would like to point out that when rebate became first available there was no event market, all that was available was the standard market (at the time called the 'bazzare')
    The standard market has always been accesible during this current event market problem where cannons, crystals, ammo, harpoons etc. can be purchased for pearls with your rebate working and active so if your expecting some kind of compensation i think your expecting maybe a little too much from bigpoint

    The Bonus Pack for bargain hunters: 25% off every item at the Market Cove! Also available in XL: Pay once and take advantage of 8 weeks of rebates.

    The market cove is just that, not the black market or the event market
  2. bristol1965

    bristol1965 Forum Apprentice

    wot I was moaning about is that only mega/hh i've been able to catch in the past weeks the ability to buy range books/amulets/light didn't work so now i'm out of all of these items..they should make these items available on normal market if the event market isn't working..its a case of BP not helping paying customers but allowing players with unlimited stock { obtained unfairly} i.e bots and programs users to run the game..
  3. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    I too am out of amulets and low on books, its all down to the cheats as usual, which is why i refuse to sail with dirty players :)
  4. ☆BANCHE☆

    ☆BANCHE☆ Someday Author

    So, i think is better to remove rebate which cost 2Euro (with telephone,btw:i can't buy from my country) and let another which cost 15E,because people's buy everytime they want and not cost to much 2E so they cry to bigpoint to pay them back so better remove that and they will buy 15E,after they not cry anymore when they buy they will use it even and if is not event items avaiable!
  5. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    I was just pointing out that compensation will not be an option, i dont necessarily agree with it, and i figured this section of the forum was the right place to point this fact out
  6. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    The point is CD, the market cove is one single market place continuation that usually advertises and offers all items for sale, albeit some are offered at different times (i.e mega's).

    Nowhere does it differentiate or demonstrate to customers which particular items can be bought for discount, neither does it exclude certain items i.e Flares etc. ....Indeed their sales patter very importantly states 25% off EVERY item and that has been the case for a long time!! (a precedent exists).

    When was the last time you could use your 25% discount to purchase a Flare?

    Therefore the discount rebate which has been paid for by customers was made ineffective and useless by Bigpoint, this has placed innocent customers at a disadvantage for a pointless costly rebate discount which has been purchased in good faith by the customer, who expected and understood the discount would be unconditionally availabe on EVERY item.

    We used to be able to buy Flares at 25% discount, now we can't even buy a flare!
    So for what purpose has having this rebate served us and why has it cost us the price of this rebate only for this discount not to be made available by Bigpoint to anyone?

    They have had our, 'Money for nothing'...... As the record goes, all they need now is our, 'Chicks for free.' :( Dire Straits indeed !

    My card issuer agrees with my point.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
    GPMONSTER and WHATS-HIS-NAME like this.
  7. -=*KINGHONOR*=-

    -=*KINGHONOR*=- Someday Author

    when the snowmelt event start and when the bokor fixed and when we have the excheng from the winnter event awnsar me support ?
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We have informed the Community Managers that some players are unhappy about this, what decision they take are entirely down to them and have not been shared with the admin/mod team.

    While we do understand your frustrations there really is nothing more that we can do.

    As this is more of a moaning thread I shall have to close, however please remember we do have discussion threads in the forum and a place for your feedback. This should not be done on the technical issues section of the forum.

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